Specialist Questions
1. Geography – Minor rivers in Papua New Guinea
2. Sport – Who came sixth?
3. Sayings – Identify the phrases you’ve never heard of
4. Origami round – 15 seconds to make the model you’re allocated!
5. Arts and Entertainment – 1950’s Australian sit-coms
6. Science – Identify the molecule from the really tiny picture!
8. Who’s that? - Identify pictures of people you couldn’t care less about!
Set by: Ox-fford
Actually, thinking about it, perhaps we’ll go with these instead…
Macclesfield Quiz League
Specialist Questions
1. Geography – where in the world…
2. Sport
3. Advertising Slogans
4. Return of the Dingbats…
5. Arts and Entertainment
6. Science
7. History
8. You don’t know “Jack”…
In this round you will be shown a picture and asked a geography question about what you see. All will become clear! Note to QMs – There are 2 copies of each picture. Please give a copy to each team at the same time. For visually impaired Quizzers, simply use the supplementaries.
2. What is the name of the county highlighted in green, which also has the highest population in Africa?
3. Which Scottish island is highlighted in red and is also the home of the children’s TV series Balamory?
Answer: MULL
4. Which European Union country is shown in this outline?
Answer: GREECE
5. Which US state which has the nicknames The Treasure State and Big Sky Country amongst others, is shown in red?
6. Which US state which has the nicknames The Prairie State and Land of Lincoln amongst others, is shown in red?
7. The course of which major river is marked in red on this map?
Answer: DANUBE
8. This island nation is the 4th largest island in the world. What is its name?
S1. From which European capital city is this Metro map extract taken?
Answer: MADRID
S2. Which country is this?
Answer: MEXICO
Q1Non-Picture Supplementaries:
S1. What is the capital of Bermuda?
S2. In which country would you find the Drakensberg Mountains?
- Muttiah Muralitharan of Sri Lanka remains the record wicket taker in Test Mach cricket with 800, but who has taken the most Test Match wickets for England?
- Alan Shearer is the all-time leading goal scorer in the Premier League with 260 goals, but who is the all-time highest scoring non-British player?
- Bjorn Borg won 5 consecutive Men’s Singles Finals at Wimbledon. In his 5 finals, he beat Jimmy Connors twice and John McEnroe once. Name either of the other 2 beaten finalists?
- Who won the 2012 US Masters Golf Championship?
- In Darts, what is the maximum checkout score with three darts?
- Which Country did Lennox Lewis represent when he boxed in the 1988 Olympic Games?
- What nationality is the current Formula One World Champion Sebastian Vettel?
- The next Winter Olympic Games will be held in February 2014, but in which country?
S1. In inches, what is the diameter of a basketball ring?
Answer: 18 INCHES
S2. In hurling, how many points are scored for getting the ball under the crossbar?
Answer: 3
A very simple round. You will be given an (allegedly) well-known advertising slogan – you just have to name the product it was used to advertise…
E.G. – “Exceedingly Good Cakes” – Mr Kipling
- Loves the jobs you hate
- Share moments, share life
- We won’t make a drama out of a crisis
- The appliance of science
- They drink it in the Congo
- Your flexible friend
- The best a man can get
- They’re tasty, tasty, very, very tasty, they’re very tasty
S1. Kills all known germs, dead
S2. The totally tropical taste
Answer: LILT
Due to the “success” of the Dingbats Round last year, they are making a “welcome” return! This year, there is no theme – as Roy Walker might say “Just say what you see”!
(Note to QMs: there are 2 substitute questions at the end for use if there are any visually impaired Quizzers)
- Honour among thieves
2. Mother-in-law
3.The drinks are on the house
4. Kings Cross
5. Top Gun
6. Kiss and make up
7. Blessing in disguise
8. Pineapple
S1. What goes up must come down
S2. The three musketeers
Visually impaired Q1.
What is the most common bat found in the United Kingdom?
Answer: The Pipistrelle
Visually impaired Q2.
From which wood are cricket bats normally made?
Answer: Willow
This is another picture round, and all you have to do is identify the Artist from the well-known works of art in the pictures.
Just give out the pictures one at a time and the answer is quite simply who is the artist, not the title of the work.
Note to QMs – There are 2 copies of each picture. Please give a copy to each team at the same time.
William Blake
The Ancient of Days (1794)
Salome with the Head of John the Baptist (London) (1607/1610)
Pablo Picasso
Guernica (1937)
Jackson Pollock
No.5, 1948 (1948)
Tracey Emin
Everyone I Have Ever Slept With 1963–1995 (1995)
David Hockney
A Bigger Splash (1967)
Tahitian Women on the Beach (1891)
Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee (1633)
Damien Hirst
For the Love of God (2007)
Vincent Van Gogh
The Starry Night (1889)
Which poet described autumn as the season “of mists and mellow fruitfulness”?
Who painted the Haywain?
- Geometry - what is the name given to a quadrilateral with all four sides of equal length, but where the angles are not right angles?
- Chlorine, Fluorine and Iodine are three of the five members of a group of elements called the Halogens. Name either of the other two.
- Diamorphine is the medical name for an opiate analgesic drug used for treating extreme pain. By what name is the illegal form of this drug commonly known?
- Psittacosis is a disease contracted from what type of creatures?
- What is the SI unit of Capacitance?
- Regulus is the main star in which Zodiacal constellation?
- What is the boiling point of water on the Fahrenheit scale?
- What is the medical term for the collar bone?
S1. What is the common name for the cluster of stars called The Pleiades?
S2. What metal is derived from Bauxite?
The following questions consist of a quotation, which should identify a famous historical event. The answer required in each case is the name of the event.
For example: – That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind = The first man landing on the Moon (Neil Armstrong)
- It is magnificent, but it is not war
- Ten days that shook the world
- Would you allow your wife or servant to read this book?
- I’m not allowed to say how many planes joined the raid, but I counted them all out and I counted them all back
- Not a penny off the pay, not a second on the day
- We’re eyeball to eyeball, and I think the other fellow just blinked
- A date that will live in infamy
(President Roosevelt, 1941)
- A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy
S1. But you must believe me, when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as I would wish to do, without the help and support of the woman I love.
Answer: ABDICATION OF EDWARD VIII (Eighth) (1936)
S2. Well, we knocked the bastard off!
Answer: ASCENT OF MOUNT EVEREST 1953 (Edmund Hillary)
Please ignore the numbering scheme here – my fault!!
In this round you will be shown pictures of people whose names include Jack or some variation thereof. Simply name who they are!
(Note to QMs: there are 2 substitute questions at the end for use if there are any visually impaired Quizzers)
- Jack Dee
- Jack Black
- Jacques Chirac
- Jacques Villeneuve
- Jack Douglas
- Jack Lemmon (in Some like it Hot)
- Jack Ruby
Jack Benny
Jacques Cousteau
Jack Russell!
Visually impaired Q1.
Which Politician has been the Labour MP for Blackburn since 1979?
Answer: Jack Straw
Visually impaired Q2.
Which World Heavyweight Champion Boxer was known as The Manassa Mauler?
Answer: Jack Dempsey
A1 Kiss Me, Kate
Q2 Opening in London in 1973, which musical features characters including Columbia, Magenta, Brad Majors and Janet Weiss?
A2 The Rocky Horror Show
Q3 Which Anglo-Saxon Leader of a revolt against William the Conqueror took refuge on the Isle of Ely?
A3 Hereward the Wake
Q4 Who was King of England in the year 1000AD?
A4 Ethelred the Unready
Q5 By what name are the Islands Inishmore, Inishmaan and Inisheer known?
A5 The Aran Islands
Q6 One of Europe’s largest oil ports, Sullom Voe, is found in which group of islands?
A6 The Shetland Islands
Q7 Which French Carthusian Monastery is famous for the Liqueur distilled by its monks?
A7 La Grande Chartreuse (accept Chartreuse)
Q8 What famous American building was burnt by British Troops in 1814?
A8 The White House (during the Anglo-American War of 1812 to 1815)
Q9 What was the first name of the Spanish Dictator General Franco?
A9 Francisco
Q10 By what name is the plant "Rosa Canina" better known?
A10 Dog Rose
Q11 Edward Cullen, Jacob Black and Bella Swan are characters in which series of books?
A11 The Twilight series (by Stephanie Meyer)
Q12 Of which public school was Thomas Arnold appointed Headmaster in 1828?
A12 Rugby
Q13 Who is the current President of the People’s Republic of China?
A13 Hu Jintao
Q14 Which Italian town in Piedmont is famous for its sparkling wine?
A14 Asti
Q15 Which part of its body does a firefly ‘flash’?
A15 Abdomen
Q16 A ‘Winter Nelis’ is a variety of which fruit?
A16 Pear
Q17 Who was the Chairman of the original ‘Juke Box Jury’ Programme?
A17 David Jacobs
Q18 In ‘The Forsyte Saga’ broadcast by the BBC in the 1960s, who played the Character of Soames?
A18 Eric Porter
Q19 Who was the jackal-headed god of the dead in Egyptian mythology?
A19 Anubis
Q20 Firedamp is a name given to a number of flammable gases, but which is the main one it refers to?
A20 Methane
Q21 Which is the largest of the Dodecanese Islands?
A21 Rhodes
Q22 In 1981 who did Mehmet Ali Ağca try to assassinate in Italy?
A22 Pope John Paul II (Accept the Pope)
Q23 Which British Composer wrote ‘On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring’?
A23 Frederick Delius
Q24 Who wrote the opera ‘Orpheus in the Underworld’?
A24 Jacques Offenbach
Q25 Which Western figure set aside his taste for alcohol to help the Earp Brothers at the OK Coral?
A25 Doc Holliday
Q26 Who was the lead singer of the band Nirvana?
A26 Kurt Cobain
Q27 Which part of the human body is clinically known as the umbilicus?
A27 The Navel (Accept Belly Button etc)
Q28 Name the electronics Company founded by Alan Sugar in 1968.
A28 Amstrad
Q29 "Mardi" is the French word for which day of the week?
A29 Tuesday
Q30 What was the name of the dog in Enid Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ stories?
A30 Timmy
Q31 Which Boxer was the first to defeat Muhammed Ali in a Professional fight?
A31 Joe Frazier
Q32 In the TV series ‘Auf Wiedersehen Pet’, who played the part of Leonard "Oz" Osborne?
A32 Jimmy Nail
Q33 What was the name of the dog featured on the 'His Masters Voice' record label?
A33 Nipper
Q34 Which group had a hit in 1980 with the song "Flash"?
A34 Queen
Q35 The City of Petra is also known as the Red Rose City. In which Middle East country is Petra?
A35 Jordan
Q36 Who is the famous mother of politician Shirley Williams?
A36 Vera Britain
Q37 Craig and Charlie Reed and members of which pop group?
A37 The Proclaimers
Q38 Actress Liza Goddard was formerly married to which pop star?
A38 Alvin Stardust
Q39 The Artist won this year’s Oscar for best film. What was the name of the Jack Russell dog who was one of the film’s “stars?
A39 Uggie (Also accept Jack, his character’s name!)
Q40 Until 1962, the French Foreign Legion was traditionally based in which country?
A40 Algeria
Q41 Diana Mary Fluck was the real name of which British actress?
A41 Diana Dors
Q42 Which US comedian said “When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick” and “Nice to be here? At my age it’s nice to be anywhere.”?
A42 George Burns
Q43 Against which country did Prussia fight the Seven Weeks War in 1866?
A43 Austria
Q44 Which race of people’s mythology is known as 'Dreamtime'?
A44 Australian Aborigines
Q45 What is the name of the sea monster referred to in the Bible, whose name has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature?
A45 Leviathan
Q46 In which county is Marlborough?
A46 Wiltshire
Q47 In which county is King’s Lynn?
A47 Norfolk
Q48 Which country will host the next European Football Championships in 2016?
A48 France
Q49 How many points is the letter "W" worth in scrabble?
A49 4
Q50 Who wrote the autobiography "Spend, Spend, Spend"?
A50 Viv Nicholson
Q51 In 1972, for which film did Liza Minnelli win a Best Actress Oscar?
A51 Cabaret
Q52 What number was assigned to Boeing's first commercial jet airliner?
A52 707
Q53 What was the name of the Orang-utan in the films ‘Every Which Way But Loose’ and ‘Any Which Way You Can’?
A53 Clyde
Q54 In which country was the film "Babe" set?
A54 Australia
Q55 Which Football League club was the first to use artificial turf?
A55 QPR (in 1981 to 1988)
Q56 Which Football club are known as the Toffees?
A56 Everton
Q57 What is the largest nerve in the Human Body?
A57 The Sciatic Nerve
Q58 In the TV series 'Keeping Up Appearances' what was the name of Hyacinth Buckets son?
A58 Sheridan
Q59 How did Arthur Daley refer to his wife who was never seen in the TV series 'Minder'?
A59 'Er Indoors
Q60 The crossed swords trademark is used by which porcelain manufacturing company?
A60 Meissen
Q61 London, Birmingham and Edinburgh are 3 of the 4 Assay Offices which remain in operation - which is the 4th?
A61 Sheffield
Q62 Which French west coast port is twinned with Cardiff?
A62 Nantes
Q63 Which Film Studio claimed to have "more stars than there are in heaven"?
Q64 Which successful film led Colin Welland to declare that "The British are Coming"?
A64 Chariots of Fire
Q65 Which tribe is most associated with the Natal region of South Africa?
A65 Zulus
Q66 Which nomadic people of Kenya and Tanzania are noted for their warriors?
A66 Masai
Q67 What is the SI Unit for pressure equivalent to one newton per square meter?
A67 Pascal
Q68 Which Louisiana port is regarded as the birthplace of Jazz?
A68 New Orleans
Q69 From 1940, who ran the Free French Army from exile in London?
A69 Charles De Gaulle
Q70 Which racecourse in Berkshire was established in 1711 by Queen Anne?
A70 Ascot
Q71 According to Greek mythology who was the first woman on earth and was made from clay?
A71 Pandora
Q72 In which City does the Council of Europe sit?
A72 Strasbourg
Q73 By what name is the US Military academy in New York State usually known?
A73 West Point
Q74 Which British Statesman made a speech in 1850 in support of his decision to send gunboats to Greece in support of Don Pacifico?
A74 Lord Palmerston
Q75 Which Explorer's last words were "I have not told half of what I saw"?
A75 Marco Polo
Q76 What is the name of the Jewish New Year?
A76 Rosh Hashanah
Q77 Which Opera Singer recorded the theme song to the 1992 Barcelona Olympics with Freddie Mercury?
A77 Montserrat Caballe
Q78 In which country did General Pervez Musharraf seize power in 1999?
A78 Pakistan
Q79 Which Germanic Race of People sacked Rome in 455 AD?
A79 Vandals
Q80 Who is the current Government Secretary of State for Health?
A80 Jeremy Hunt (that well-known spelling mistake…)
Q81 Who is the current New Zealand Rugby Union Test Captain?
A81 Richie McCaw
Q82 Where would you find the Pillars of Hercules?
A82 Either side of the Straits of Gibraltar
Q83 What is the Capital of Slovakia?
A83 Bratislava
Q84 Devonshire Park, Eastbourne is an important centre for which sport?
A84 Tennis
Q85 Who, in 1984, described a proposed building extension to the National Gallery as being “like a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much loved and elegant friend."?
A85 Prince Charles
Q86 What word in the New Testament is used to signify the final battle between Good and Evil?
A86 Armageddon
Q87 Which influential writer of novels and short stories wrote "The Trial" and "The Castle?"
A87 Franz Kafka
Q88 Which German Nazi Leader was abducted by Israeli Agents in Argentina in 1960?
A88 Adolf Eichmann
Q89 What was the name of the mythical half-human monster killed by Beowulf?
A89 Grendel
Q90 Which order of chivalry did Edward III found in 1348 that women were only admitted to in 1987?
A90 The Order of the Garter
Q91 Musically speaking, who presided over "The Birth of the Cool" in 1948?
A91 Miles Davis
Q92 Fierce Creatures was a 1997 British comedy film and the spiritual successor to a 1988 comedy film starring the same cast. What was the name of the original film?
A92 A Fish Called Wanda
Q93 Which US Author wrote "The Beautiful and the Damned” and "The Last Tycoon"?
A93 F. Scott Fitzgerald
Q94 What instrument is primarily associated with Courtney Pine?
A94 Saxophone
Q95 In the rhyme, what is Friday's Child?
A95 Loving and Giving
Q96 Which is the oldest of the five British classic horse races having been established in 1776?
A96 St Leger
- Which 1964 Walt Disney film was based on a book by P.L. Travers?
- What was the name of Tonto’s horse in “The Lone Ranger”?
- What did John Bellingham do on the 11th of May 1812, which resulted in him being hanged?
- Which element has the chemical symbol Pt?
- To what London landmark was Wordsworth referring in his line, “Earth has not anything to show more fair”?
- Which famous English writer was named by his parents after a lake in Staffordshire?
- Cape York is the northernmost point of which Commonwealth country?
- Which US state capital city's name means "sheltered bay"?
- Which British King has had the longest reign since 1066?
- What happened in Canterbury on the 29th of December 1170?
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تخفيضات تصل حتى 20%
للاتصالات 0534557728 _ 0509067005
شركة تنسيق حدائق بالمدينة المنورة
ReplyDeleteمما لا شك فيه أن لا يوجد أي شخص منا من عشاق التمتع بالنظر للطبيعية الخضراء والأشجار ورائحة الزهور العطرة، ومن المعروف أن يوجد الكثير من الفلل والقصور والمؤسسات العامة تكون بحاجة لتنسيق وتقليم الحدائق والأشجار من أجل الحصول على مظهر أكثر جاذبية ويسبب الاسترخاء والراحة.
لذا حرصت شركة تنسيق حدائق بالمدينة المنورة من توفير أفضل فريق عمل من المهندسين المختصين في مجال الزراعة للعمل على زراعة الأزهار والورد الرائعة، وغرس الأشجار المتنوعة، ولدينا أيضاً فريق عمل من المهندسين لتصميم إضاءة خافتة لا تؤذي العين وتجعل المقيمين في المكان يشعرون بالراحة والاسترخاء عند الجلوس بها..