
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

22 November Cup/Plate Questions


Set by The Cock Inn and The Harrington Academicals

1. Who surprised the Queen in July 1982?


2.  In December 2003 one of the Queen's corgis was killed by a dog belonging to which other  member of the Royal Family?


3.  The Peer and the Peri is the subtitle to which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta?


4.  Which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta is set in the Tower of London?


5.  What material is used to make a sumo wrestling ring?


6.  In the childrens TV show In the Night Garden, who lives next door to the Pontipines?


7.  What was Huckleberry Hound's favourite song?


8.  From which language does the word census orginiate?


9.  Which US state is know as the Badger State?


10. Which ABBA album had a French title?


11.  In the 90's who had a hit with Goodnight Girl?


12.  In a TV studio what is a dolly?


13.  What is a studios chief electrician called?


14.  Which chicken dish was named after a Napoleonic battle of 1800?


15.  Which liqueur is used in a Sidecar cocktail?


16.  When I marry Mr Snow is a song from which musical?


17.  Younger than Springtime is a song from which musical?


18.  What is the name of the retirement home in the comedy series Waiting for God?


19  What is the name of the character played by Ronnie Corbett in the TV comedy Sorry?


20.  In which palace was Winston Churchill born?


21  In which castle was Princess Margaret born?


22.  What is the nearest seaside resort to London?


23.  What are the canals in Cambridge called?


24.  Which actress was married to Jack Rosenthal?


25.  Who wrote the play The Crucible?


26.  Which spacecraft was flown by Steve Zodiac?


27.  What is Blue Vinney?


28.  Which meat is usually used in a crown roast?


29.  If someone is Krumping, what are they doing?


30.  Robert Dudley and Richard Devereux were favourites of which monarch?


31.  Since 1980 what is the country residence of the Foreign Secretary?


32.  Who married Marie Louise of Austria in 1810?


33.  Which element in the Periodic Table takes its name from the sons of the Earth Goddess

      in Greek mythology?


34.  Which scientist is quoted as saying "God does not play dice"?


35.  "Riders" and "Polo" are two novels by which author?


36.  What part of a Roman Legionary's equipment was called a Scutum?


37.  Which English building has held the Royal Mint and a royal menagerie during its history?


38.  Denim is believed to be named after a town in which country?

FRANCE (de Nimes)

39.  In 1993 which horse "won" the void Grand National?


40.  What French name is given to the tall white hat worn by chefs?


41.  "If you prick us, do we not bleed" is a line from which Shakespeare play?


42.  Who became ITN's first female newsreader in 1978?


43.  What is the name of the large knife carried by Ghurka soldiers?


44.  What is the art of clipping shrubs into ornamental shaped called?


45.  In Judaism what is the Day of Atonement called?


46.  Which golf course hosts the US Masters?


47.  Which film, starring Tom Cruise, was released in 2009 and was based on an

      assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler?


48.  If you saw A.P. on a painting, what would it stand for?


49.  Who wrote the Unfinished Symphony?


50.  A centaur was half-man and half what?


51.Which restaurant closed this year after being voted second best in the world last year and best in the world in 2009


53. Liverpool beat which Belgian side to win the 1978 European Cup?

FC Brugge (Bruges)

53.  The Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square is an annual gift from which country?


54.  Orpheus went into Hades to rescue his wife - what was her name?


55.  Which Asian princess saved her life by telling stories for 1001 nights?


56.  Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb?


57 In which town is the Catalyst Science centre and museum, which is devoted to chemistry and how the products of chemistry are used in every day life


58. Which 19th century rival of Edison gives his name to the SI unit of magnetic field (or flux density and has also had an electric sports car named after him


59 In Indian food, what is the principle ingredient of Dhal


60 which EU country ceded control of Macau to China in 1999


61. St Paul wrote his epistle to the Corinthians. In what modern country did they live?


62. The road to which site of pilgrimage is marked by scallops shells and whose Pilgrims have traditionally worn a scallop shell

Santiago de Compostella

63. What is the longest time period there has ever been between general elections in this country

Very small amount of leeway

Accept between 9 and10 yrs

Nov 1935 to July 1945

64. What is the name given to a very steeply sloping roof, often punctured by dormer windows and topped by a much shallower sloped roof – the construction being named after the French architect credited with the design


65. An electromagnetic shielding enclosure made from metal mesh is named after which physicist

Michael Faraday (A Faraday cage)

66. Hematite has been used in cave paintings – what colour is it Red

It is Red Ochre

67. The post war European Recovery Plan was named after which Secretary of State

George Marshall

68. What was the name of the wife of Richard I, who reputedly never set foot in England in his lifetime


69. What device was going to be called “the electric telescope” until the more familiar modern name was adopted


70. The editor of which newspaper is quoted as saying “Television – the word is half Latin half Greek. No good can come of it”

The Manchester Guardian

Accept the Guardian

71. Which art gallery is hosting the 2011 Turner prize

Baltic, Gateshead

72. In what year was Private Eye first published

1961 – 50th anniversary edition last month

Allow 1959 - 1963

73. Who plays the role of Winston Churchill in the version of 3 days in Mat that opened in London this month

Warren Clarke

74. Which rock legend is collaborating with the tenor Alfie Bow, recording Tim Buckley’s “Song to the Siren” ?

Robert Plant

75. Who delivered the inaugural John Peel lecture, in which he accused Apple in general and I tunes in particular as being bloodsuckers

Pete Townsend

76. Which Macclesfield born blues musician, whose bands have included Eric Clapton, Peter Greene and Mick Taylor is now touring again after retiring earlier this year

John Mayall

77. From what fruit is the Balkan firewater Slivovitz usually distilled. (pronounced slivovitch)


78. In which country is the designer vodka, “Grey Goose” distilled?


79. The band Elbow designed a beer this year called “Build a Rocket, Boys” in conjunction with which brewery


(it is well worth trying)

80. Which brewery produces beers called “Wibbly Wallably”, “Sir Philip” and “Old Hag”

Wincle Brewery

81. In what year did the BBC first broadcast a promenade concert

Some leeway

1927 (allow 1925 to 1930 Tho it is the 75th anniversary)

82. John Foster Dulles served as secretary of state under which US president


83. Who was Israel’s first female prime minister

Golda Meir

84. The band the Boo Radleys take their name from a character in which novel

To Kill a Mockingbird

85. Which Swiss psychiatrist wrote “The Psychology of the Unconscious”, published in 1912

Carl Jung

86. Which Channel 4 comedy is set at Reynholm Industries?

The IT Crowd

87. Untimely deaths at what early age link among others Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin and Amy Winehouse?

27. (Amy is the most recent person to join what is known by some as the “27 Club”.)

88. How many squares are there on a standard Scrabble board?


89. Hibernian in 1955 became the first British football club to do what?

Play in the European Cup. English champions Chelsea did not enter at the FA’s request.

90. Which well-known TV presenter is the daughter of former newspaper editor Eve Pollard?

Claudia Winkleman

91. Which European city is served by Arlanda airport?


92. Who were the first British club to win a European football trophy?

Tottenham – European Cup Winners Cup in 1963

93. What’s the current price of a 1st class stamp for a standard letter?


94. Name one of the three 1970’s children’s programmes created by Gordon Murray

Trumpton, Camberwick Green or Chigley.

95. Best known for their children’s TV programmes, which comedy duo won episodes of Opportunity Knocks in 1967, New Faces in 1974, and are still touring today?

The Chuckle Brothers

96. What is the current cost of an NHS prescription?


97. Which team won the 2011 baseball World Series?

St Louis Cardinals (who beat Texas Rangers 4-3 in the series)

98. How did Swedish billionaire Ingvar Kamprad make his fortune?

He is the founder of the IKEA group of stores. The IK comes from his name, the E and the A are named after the family farm and the village in which he grew up.

99. Which island was home to Father Ted?

Craggy Island

100. Why has Andreas Gursky been in the news recently

One of his photographs sold for a world record figure of $4.3m (£2.7m)

101. Who is the better-known brother of actor Emilio Estevez? Charlie Sheen (whose real name is Carlos Estevez. Dad Martin Sheen was born Ramon Estevez)

102. Which Lancastrian entertainer was deported from South Africa in 1946 for his refusal to play to white-only audiences?

George Formby

103. Which city is home to the Great South Run?


104. In which year did Jimmy Saville present the 1st edition of Top of the Pops?

1964 Accept 1963-65

105. Name the Channel 4 music show presented by Jools Holland and Paula Yates that first aired in 1982

The Tube

106. The name of which martial art translates as “the way of fist and foot?


107. There are three water signs in the zodiac, Pisces and Scorpio are two. Name the third


108. What make of car has the Latin for “I hear” as its name?


109. Devil's apron and laver are types of what?


110. Who (as of November 2) is the much embattled Prime Minister of Greece? Or may be was by now

George Papandreou

111. What was the currency of Holland before the euro?

The Guilder

112. Branches of which tree appear on the flag of the UN?


113. Nowadays it is all the rage to bring down your bank with unwise speculation. Which bank did Nick Leeson ruin?


114. At what age does a Jewish boy celebrate his Bar Mitzvah?


115. Acording to the Bible, who is the father of the Jewish race?


116. Which US President’s signature is on a plaque on the moon?

Richard Nixon

117. What is the proper name for the shell of a tortoise?

A Carapace

118. How is Barbara Millicent Roberts better known?


119. Two on the Seven Wonders of the ancient world are in modern Turkey. Name either.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus and the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

120. Who said in the last century “Success is going from failure to failure with enthusiasm”?

Winston Churchill


S1 From which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta is the song “I am the very model of a modern Major General”

Pirates of Penzance

S2 From what disease did Julius Caesar, Alexandria the Great and Dostoyevsky all suffer?


S3 Which US city is home to the Browns, The Indians and the Cavaliers?


S4 In Gulliver’s Travels what was the name of the flying island?




How long (in km is the Suez Canal?



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