Questions for 28th April 2009
Set by the Dolphin Dragons
Vetted by The Baths Hotel
Specialist Questions: Rounds
Love, Love, Me Do;
Keep on Running (Sport);
Long Ago and Far Away, (Foreign History):
Holiday (Geography);
Blanketty Blank,
Space Oddity (Science),
That’s Entertainment,
Our House.
(The names of the rounds, and, very occasionally, the questions, are based on TV programmes / pop songs)
Round 1: Love, Love Me Do
(Love affairs in fact and fiction)
Q1 With which (female) poet did Robert Browning elope?
A1 Elizabeth Barrett
Q2 Who did Aragorn marry in the Lord of the Rings?
A2 Arwen
Q3 Who is the fellow politician husband of Cabinet Minister Yvette Cooper?
A3 Ed Balls
Q4 Who was the 3rd wife of Henry VIII?
A4 Jane Seymour
Q5 What relation (apart from Husband and wife) were Queen Victoria & Prince Albert?
A5 (First) Cousins
Q6 Who, in 2008, did John Barnes marry?
A6 Wendy Richard
Q7 Which singer sang about the love story written about by Emily Bronte?
A7 Kate Bush
Q8 The late actor, Michael Williams was married to which famous actress?
A8 Judy Dench
Q Which Gilbert & Sullivan Opera features the love of Mabel and Frederick?
A The Pirates of Penzance
Q In Romeo & Juliet, what is Juliet’s surname (before her marriage)?
A Capulet
Round 2: Keep on Running.
(Sport questions on Athletics and Racing)
Q1. What is the shortest race in major indoor athletics events?
A1. 60 metres.
Q2 Who was the last British man to win the Olympic 100 metres?
A2 Lynford Christie.
Q3 On which course is the Prix de L’Arc de Triumphe run?
A3 Longchamps
Q4 Which horse won last Year’s Grand National?
A4 Comply or Die
Q5 Which Athlete from between the wars was known as the Flying Finn?
A5 Paavo Nurmi
Q6 A Marathon is run over 26 miles and how many yards?
A6 385 (10 yards leeway either side)
Q7 Which horse won last year’s Derby?
A7 New Approach
Q8 Where is the 2000 Guineas run?
Q8 Newmarket
Q Who was the first woman to run a mile in under 5 minutes?
A Diane Leather
Q Where is the Welsh Grand National run?
A Chepstow
Round 3: Long Ago and Far Away (foreign history).
Q1 Who was the French Revolutionary leader who was stabbed in his bath?
A1 Marat
Q2 Livia was the wife of which Roman emperor?
A2 Augustus
Q3 Why were many German Princes called Electors?
A3 Because they elected the Holy Roman Emperor (The Empire was finally abolished by Napoleon!)
Q4 What relation to Genghis Khan to Kublai Khan?
A4 Genghis was Kublai’s grandfather.
Q5 At which battle did 300 Spartans defy the might of the Persian Empire?
A5 Thermopylae.
Q6 Of which country was Mannerheim the wartime leader in & just before World War II ?
A6 Finland
Q7 Messalina was the wife of which Roman emperor?
A7 Claudius
Q8 Nebuchadnezzar was ruler of which ancient country?
A8 Babylonia
Q Why is the radio actress Eva Duarte known to history?
A Her married name was Eva Peron (Evita)
Q In which country did the Boxer Rebellion occur?
A China
Round 4: Holiday
(The Geography of Holiday places, home and abroad)
Q1 If you visited Assissi, which Italian region would you be in?
A1 Umbria
Q2 To which country do the Galapagos islands belong?
A2 Equador.
Q3 Recently the Welsh Highland Railway has been connected to which tourist narrow gauge railway?
A3 The Ffestiniog Railway
Q4 In which county is the resort of Mablethorpe?
A4 Lincolnshire
Q5 The Forest of Dean falls mainly in which English county?
A5 Gloucestershire
Q6 In which American state is the holiday peninsula of Cape Cod?
A6 Massachussetts
Q7 Ben McDui is the highest mountain in which Scottish mountain range?
A7 The Cairngorms
Q8 On which island would you be holidaying if you flew in to Chania or Iraklion?
A8 Crete
Q To which country does the holiday island of Koi Samoi belong?
A Thailand
Q If you were on a city break, and visited the SS Great Britain, in which British City would you be?
A Bristol
Q In which Greek island group is Kefalonia?
A The Ionian Islands
Round 5: Blankety Blank.
Each question consists of a quotation, Although you may not know the answer, have a go – they are eminently guessable!
Eg “I was as pure as blank, but I drifted.” Mae West
Answer ‘Snow’
Q1. “I started out with blank and I’ve still got most of it left.” Groucho Marx
A1, Nothing.
Q2. “The one thing women don’t want to find in their stockings on Christmas morning is their blank.” Joan Rivers
A2. Husband
Q3 S1. “The only way to have safe sex is to abstain. From blank.” Wendy Liebman.
S1A. Drinking
Q4. “What do I wear in blank? Why, Chanel No 5, of course. Marilyn Monroe
A4. Bed.
Q5. “Either that blank goes or I do.” Oscar Wilde on his death bed
A5. Wallpaper.
Q6. “Nicotine patches are great. Stick one over each blank and you can’t find your cigarettes.” Bill Hicks
A6. Eye
Q7. “Gentlemen, you can’t blank in here, this is the War Room”. Doctor Strangelove.
A7. Fight.
Q8. “The secret of success is blank: If you can fake that you’ve got it made.” George Burns.
A8. Sincerity.
Q “Glory is fleeting but blank is for ever.” Napoleon.
A. Obscurity.
Q “My wife had half a dozen blank operations, but couldn’t find anything she liked.” Woody Allen
A. Sex-change
Q “ I’ve been told blank is a slow poison” Robert Benchley.
A Alcohol
Round 6: Space Oddity (Science)
Questions relate to Space and Space Exploration
Q1 What are the Van Allen Belts?
A1 Belts of radiation surrounding Earth
Q2 Which planet spins on its side?
A2 Uranus
Q3 Which type of spaceship was first launched on April 12th 1981?
A3 The space shuttle.
Q4 Which event in space exploration had taken place exactly 20 years earlier? (April 12 1961)?
A4 The first manned space flight (Yuri Gagarin’s adventure into space)
Q5 How is the distance of an Astronomical Unit calculated?
A5 It is the distance from the Earth to the Sun.
Q6 How many Apollo missions were there?
A6 17 (Leeway of 1 on either side)
Q7 What was the first spacecraft to land on Mars?
A7 Viking (1)
Q8 Where in the Solar System would you find Ceres (the dwarf planet)?
A8 In the Asteroid Belt (between Mars and Jupiter)
Q What game did astronaut Alan Shepherd play on the moon to demonstrate its reduced gravity?
A Golf
Q Which Planet has moons named after characters in the works of Alexander Pope and William Shakespeare?
A Uranus
Round 7: Let Me Entertain You
(Arts & Entertainment)
Q1 In which Pantomime would you find Dandini?
A1 Cinderella.
Q2 Which musical has characters including Mrs Pearce and Freddie Eynsford Hill?
A2 My Fair Lady
Q3 A production of which Shakespeare play starred David Tennant (Dr Who) and Patrick Stewart (of Star Trek) in Stratford last summer?
A3 Hamlet.
Q4 Which Gilbert and Sullivan Opera involves a fairy married to the Lord Chancellor of England?
A4 Iolanthe
Q5 Which Archer’s character has recently (early March) been arrested for fraud?
A5 Matt Crawford
Q6 When Corpus Christi College was disqualified after winning University Challenge for having a non-student on their team, which team became the champions?
A6 Manchester University
Q7 What did Mat Follas win this year on TV?
A7 Masterchef
Q8 What is the name of the concert hall in Central Manchester?
A8 The Bridgewater Hall
Q Which recent TV series is (loosely) based on the books of Flora Thompson?
A “Lark Rise to Candleford”
Q In which Pantomime would you find Robin Hood?
A The Babes in the Wood
Round 8: Location, Location! (Questions about places, addresses etc)
Q1 Which family lives at Capesthorne Hall?
A1 The Bromley-Davenports
Q2 Which family lived in the Little House on the Prairie?
A2 The Ingalls family.
Q3 What was Dr Who’s home planet?
A3 Gallifrey
Q4 At which of her residences did Queen Victoria die?
A4 Osborne House (Isle of Wight)
Q5 What importance had Downing, after whom Downing Street is named?
Q5 The Property Developer, who had the terrace erected (in the 1680’s. Sir George Downing was not a very savoury character – Pepys described him as a ‘perfidious rogue’!)
Q6 In which fictional London Borough is East-Enders set?
A6 Walford
Q7 The Stanley family used to own which local “Stately Home” –now used for quite a different purpose?
A7 Alderley Park (Astra – Zeneca)
Q8 What was the name of Shakespeare’s house in Stratford (which was pulled down in the eighteenth century because the owner couldn’t stand the tourists!)
A8 New Place
Q Which street did Sherlock Holmes live on?
A Baker Street
Q Which street is the White House on in Washington DC?
A Pennsylvania Avenue
What is the capital of the US state of Oregon?
A Salem (not the witch trials one, which is in Massachusetts)
2Q What does the musical term Andante mean?
A At a moderate pace (or equivalent)
Q3 Which area of Britain do cars come from with the registration letter G?
A Kent (G as in Garden of England)
4Q In which Shakespeare play do we find Ferdinand, Miranda and Ariel?
A The Tempest
5Q Which children's hero (of TV and now many books) comes from Pontypandy?
A Fireman Sam
6Q David Lloyd George referred to which political institution as Mr Balfour's poodle? (Balfour being the Prime Minister at the time)
A The House of Lords
7 Q From which group does Bono come?
A U2
8 Q What is the name of the police station in "The Bill"?
A Sun Hill
9Q Who was known as Tumbledown Dick?
A Richard Cromwell, briefly Lord Protector of England after the death of his father, Oliver.
10Q What is the name of the cricket ground in Jamaica, scene earlier this year, of a spectacular English batting collapse?
A Sabina Park.
11Q In which city was the Messiah first performed?
A Dublin
12Q What name links Richard Burton, a 1739 war with Spain, and the only British President of the European Commission?
A Jenkins (original name, the War of Jenkin's Ear, and Roy Jenkins)
13Q In the TV series who runs the Post Office in Candleford?
A Miss (Dorcas) Lane.
14 Q What S American country has the capital of Caracas?
A Venezuela
15Q Which play of Shakespeare's is set in the Trojan war?
A Troilus and Cressida.
16Q Which area of Britain do cars come from with the registration letter C?
A Wales (Cymru)
17Q Who invented the seed drill?
A Jethro Tull
18Q Which poet wrote "The Lady of Shallot"?
A Tennyson
19Q Why has the name Ian Tomlinson been in the news lately?
A He is the newsvendor who died, possibly as a result of police mishandling, at the G 20 protests
20Q Which river runs through Ashton -under- Lyne?
A The Tame
21Q The New Testament was written in Greek. What was the original language of the Old Testament?
A Aramaic
Q22 What did Edwin Beard Budding invent in 1830?
A The lawnmower
Q23 Birmingham, Nottingham etc What does the"ing" mean?
A "The family/people of (Birma and -amusingly - Snotta, respectively)
Q24 In which city would you find the WACA cricket ground?
A Perth, Western Australia
Q 25 What is the present name of the football cup formerly known as the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, and later, the UEFA cup?
A The Europa Cup
Q 26 Cheapside, Chipping Norton… What does the Cheap/Chip element mean?
A A Market (the same word can be seen in, eg, Copenhagen, where Copen is the Danish version!)
Q 27 In which scientific field was Tycho Brache skilled?
A Astronomy
Q 28 Two of the books of the Bible are named after women. Name one.
A Ruth or Esther
Q29 Which river runs through Stockport?
A The Mersey
Q 30 Why was Sharon Shoesmith in the news in 2008?
A She was head of Haringey Social Services, blamed for the death of baby P.
Q 31 By what name is the winter-flowering plant Helleborus Niger better known?
A The Christmas Rose
Q 32 Which traditional Christmas song refers to the plants Ilex and Hedera?
A The Holly and the Ivy
Q33 TV Presenter, Jonathan Edwards used to represent theUK in which athletic discipline?
A Triple Jump
Q34 Who is (as of March 19th) Zara Phillips' boy friend?
A Mike Tyndall (England rugby player)
Q 35 What is Ogham?
A An old form of writing, used mainly in Ireland ( consists of different length scratches on stone)
Q36 Which Club did Paul Ince manage after he left Macclesfield Town?
A M.K. Dons
Q 37. Which 60's pop group had a name that translates as "beyond these things"?
A Procul Harem
Q38 A recently released film charts the early life of which British Monarch?
A. Victoria
Q39 Which of the 6 Pottery Towns is missing from this list: Tunstall, Hanley, Stoke, Fenton, Longton?
A Burslem
Q40 Who was the first Inquisitor General of Spain?
A Torquemada ( Surprised? Well, you never expect the Spanish Inquisition!)
Q 41 Who wrote "Puck of Pook's Hill" and "Kim"?
A Rudyard Kipling
Q42 Which 60's pop singer was backed by the Dakotas?
A Billy J Kramer
Q 43 In which year was the World Cup first held?
A 1930 - allow 3 years in either direction
Q 44 What is the capital city of Paraguay?
A Asuncion
Q 45 Which team did the English women's cricket team defeat in the final of this tear's World Cup?
A New Zealand
Q 46 In which city is the first F1 race of the season run (in March)?
A Melbourne
Q 47 Actress Natasha Richardson died recently. Who is her mother?
A Vanessa Redgrave
Q 48 What is the name of the wedge-shaped writing used originally on the clay tablets of ancient Mesopotamia?
A Cuneiform
Q49 In which Musical is the song "I am 16 going on 17"?
A The Sound of Music.
Q 50 What is the name of the area to the East of Oldham, which contains such villages as Delph, Diggle and Dobcross?
A Saddleworth
Q 51 Which book of 1877 is described on the title page as being "translated from the original equine?"
A Black Beauty
Q 52 Who is John Thaw's widow?
A (Actress) Sheila Hancock
Q 53 Who was British Prime Minister at the time of the Suez Crisis?
A Anthony Eden
Q54 TV presenter, Sue Barker, used to play which sport?
A Tennis
Q 55 In Architecture, what can be Fan-vaulted or Hammerbeam?
A Roofs ( accept Ceilings)
Q 56 Who was Dr Samuel Johnson's biographer?
A James Boswell
Q 57 In which English County would you find the tourist attractions of Stokesay Castle, the Long Mynd and the Acton Scott Working Farm Museum?
A Shropshire
Q 58 Who was the British Prime Minister at the outbreak of World War I ?
A Herbert Asquith
Q 59 Bismarck is the state capital of which US state?
A North Dakota
Q 60 Which musical told the story of American comedienne Fanny Brice?
A Funny Girl
Q 61 What links Charles Lindbergh, Judy Garland, and the rivers Mississippi & Missouri?
A St. Louis (Lindbergh's Plane, Judy Garland film, confluence of the 2 rivers)
Q 62 In which country is the "No1 Ladies Detective Agency" series set?
A Botswana
Q 63 Actress Tippi Hedren has a famous actress daughter. Who?
A Melanie Griffith
Q64 In architecture, what can be Doric, Ionic or Corinthian?
A Columns
Q 65 What relation was George II to his successor, George III?
A Grandfather ( The Prince of Wales, Frederick, having been killed by a cricket ball!)
Q 66 What was Sir Joseph Bazelgette (say Bazel Jet)'s greatest achievement?
A The London Sewage system - which makes him probably the greatest benefactor to Londoners' health in the nineteenth century
Q 67 Name one of the unmarried kings of England, other than Edward VIII
A William II, Edward V and Edward VI (both the Edwards died in childhood)
Q 68 Who was the Tory politician murdered by Irish Terrorists in 1979?
A Airey Neave
Q 69 Annabel Goldie leads which Scottish political party?
A The Scottish Conservative party.
Q 70 Other than Sir Alf Ramsey, which England manager never lost a game in the World cup finals?
A Ron Greenwood (England were eliminated after a series of drawn matches - in 1982)
Q 71 Who played Archie Daley in the recent Channel Five version of Minder?
A Shane Richie
Q 72 What is the subject matter of Richard Curtis's new film "The Boat that Rocked"?
A The Pirate Radio phenomenon of the 1960's
Q 73 Which foodstuff was certified fresh with a lion stamp?
A Eggs
Q 74 Which author came up with the slogan "go to work on an egg?"
A Fay Weldon
Q 75 In legend, whose Morgan la Fay was the sister of whom?
A King Arthur
Q 76 Arthur Wellesley is better known as…?
A The Duke of Wellington
Q 77 Wellington and Oakengates are now part of which modern urban area?
A Telford
Q 78 What is Thomas Telford's bridge over the Menai Straits called ?
A The Britannia Bridge
Q 79 The mistress of which British king was the model for the original Britannia (on coins etc)
A Charles II
Q 80 What was the relationship between Charles II and his successor, James II?
A They were Brothers.
Q 81 Penelope Keith and Paul Eddington were husband and wife in which TV sitcom?
A The Good Life (they were the Leadbetters)
Q 82 The Goodies were Bill Oddie, Tim Brooke-Taylor and who?
A Graeme Garden
Q 83 Which famous gardens were developed over 200 years ago by George Banks, from the gardens started in the 18th century by various Royals, including George III and his mother, Princess Augusta?
A Kew
Q 84 What word links the letter Q, correspondence, and tea?
A Bond (James, Basildon, and Brooke.)
Q85 Who played Bond in the film "Licensed to Kill"?
A Timothy Dalton
Q 86 Of which well known group was Timmy the only four-footed member?
A The Famous Five
Q87 Who won the last Five Nations championship, before it became the Six Nations?
A Scotland (in 1999)
Q 88 In which year did Scotland last win the Grand Slam (leeway of 4 years either way)?
A 1984
Q 89 Who was the hero of George Orwell's 1984 ?
A Winston Smith
Q90 Will Smith first came to prominence in which US sitcom of the 1990's, set in a suburb of Los Angeles?
A The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Q 91 With which two words did the artist Prince describe a Corvette?
A Little Red
Q 92 Which group had a hit with the song "Just a little bit more"?
A Liberty X
Q 93 Which Football League club play at the Liberty Stadium?
A Swansea City
Q 94 Which scenic peninsula, the first place to be designated an area of outstanding natural beauty, lies to the west of Swansea?
A The Gower
Q 95 For which County did David Gower play cricket?
A Leicester
Q 96 Which walker wrote descriptions of 213 fells in the Lake District?
A Alfred Wainwright
Supplementary Questions:
1. Which company tells us to buy "because you're worth it"?
A Garnier
2 Who invented the 3 witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick?
A Terry Pratchett
3. In Architecture, what is a Caryatid?
A A column in the shape of a woman.
4 Who is the manager of this year's Grand Slam winning Irish Team?
A Declan Kidney
5. How is the poet George Gordon better known?
A Lord Byron
6. What type of tree is the oldest living tree in Britain?
A A Yew (in Fortingall, Scotland)
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