1. In which Italian city would you find Leonardo da Vinci’s 15th century mural “The Last Supper”?
A. Milan
2. What was the common name of 3 different songs released by 3 different artists that all entered the Top 20 UK charts in 1985?
A. “The Power of Love” – (Huey Lewis and the News / Frankie Goes To Hollywood / Jennifer Rush)
3. Which celebrity won the BBC 1’s 2007 Strictly Come Dancing competition in December partnered by Matthew Cutler? – (surname needed).
A. Alesha Dixon
4. When viewed at a certain angle, the 1553 painting “The Ambassadors” reveals which mysterious object?
A. A skull
5. Which radio show has the theme tune entitled “Barwick Green”?
A. The Archers
6. Which TV programme shown over the Christmas period featured guest appearances by George Michael, Clive Owen and Gordon Ramsey?
A. Extras
7. Which composer wrote Petruska and ‘The Rite of Spring’?
A. Stravinsky
8. The phrase ‘green-eyed monster’ originated in which Shakespeare play?
A. Othello
S1. Written by Tennyson, which poem starts with the line “On either side the river lie”?
A. The Lady of Shallot
S2. Which artist had the UK Christmas number 1 single? – both names needed
A. Leon Jackson
1. Which Central American Country was formerly known until independence in 1973, as British Honduras?
A. Belize
2. Which African country changed its name from the British Protectorate of Bechuana Land on independence in 1966?
A. Botswana
3. On the shores of which sea is the Pakistani port of Karachi?
A. The Arabian sea
4. On which Mediterranean island is the port of Famagusta?
A. Cyprus
5. Which European capital city is located on the island of Zealand?
A. Copenhagen
6. What is the Latin name for the southern hemisphere’s equivalent of the Aurora Borealis?
A. Aurora Australis
7. What name is given to contour lines showing equal depths on sea charts?
A. Isobaths
8. In which range of hills is the source of the River Thames?
A. The Cotswolds.
S1. In which African country is Lake Volta, the largest manmade lake in the world?
A. Ghana
S2. In which country, formerly part of the Soviet Union, is the city of Samarkand?
A. Uzbekistan
Each question is a quote (spoken or sung) connected to an important event in the 20th Century. Please name that event, NOT who said or sang it.
e.g. Q.”A DATE THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” What happened on that date?
A. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.
Q1. “GOLD......EVERYWHERE THE GLINT OF GOLD” What had the speaker found?
A 1. The tomb of Tutankhamun.
Q2. “THERE WILL BE NO WHITEWASH IN THE WHITE HOUSE” What episode in American history does this refer to?
A2. The Watergate scandal.
Q3. “GOODBYE ENGLAND’S ROSE” On what occasion was this song performed?
A3. The funeral of the Princess of Wales.
Q4. “WE DON’T SWAP SHIRTS WITH ANIMALS” what sporting event had just taken place?
A4. England verses Argentina (1966 Football World Cup)
A5. The Battle of Britain (part of Churchill’s Finest Hour Speech)
Q6. “WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF” What were people afraid of?
A6. The Great Depression (in America)
Q7. “I’M GOING TO STEP OFF THE LEM NOW” What was about to happen?
A7. The first moon walk.
Q8. “THE FLOWERS OF MANCHESTER”. What event prompted the writing of this song?
A8. The Munich Air Disaster
S1.” Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”. What event had just taken place?
AS1. The Battle of El Alamein
S2. “I am become death, shatterer of worlds”
A.S2. The first nuclear detonation (quoted by Robert Oppenheimer)
The questions below feature a euphamistic word or phrase in either the question or the answer.
Extraordinary blank is the practice of governments kidnapping suspects for interrogation. What is the missing word?
What is the British term for what Americans call 'Blue on Blue'?
Friendly fire
Now a euphemism for death, the term "pining for the fjords" comes from which classic
comedy sketch?
Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch.
Which labour spin doctor caused controversy in 2001 by saying September 11 was a "Good day for burying bad news"?
Jo Moore
What year was the Queen's 'Annus horribilis'?
1992 (accept 1991-1993)
You wouldn't want to receive it, but what, specifically, is known as a 'Glasgow Kiss'?
A head butt
The term 'Wardrobe malfunction' was coined by singer Justin Timberlake after which incident?
After the exposure of Janet Jackson's right breast during the Superbowl half time show (in 2004)
If the police arrested you for 'Twocing' (Pronounced Twoking), what are you specifically being accused of?
Car Theft. (do not accept stealing - TWOC stands for taken without owner's consent.)
The term 'Concentration Camp' was originally used by the British during which war?
The Second Boer war. (Accept Boer War)
What is the euphemistic sounding name of the dish which is widely thought to be made from animal testicles, but is in fact the thymus gland or pancreas of a young animal?
1/ The unicorn is a mythical creature but which mammal has the longest single horn?
A. THE NARWHAL (up to 2.7 metres!)
2/ Sightings of which animal are alleged to have led to the mermaid myth?
A. The MANATEE (also called DUGONG or SEA COW) all acceptable.
3/ What type of tree is a Coolibah tree – mentioned in the song ‘Waltzing Matilda’?
A. A type of eucalyptus
4/ The bite of which insect can lead to Lyme’s disease?
5/ Which disease occurs when round worms block the lymphatic system (leading to organ swelling)?
6/ Which U2 album is named after the desert plant Yucca Brevifolia?
7/ Where in the body are the Phalange bones found?
A. FINGERS and TOES. (accept either)
8/ Which biblical figure, a byword for poverty and patience, gives his name to a loosely tufted annual grass?
A. JOB (the grass is Job’s Tear)
Sup 1/ What substance in a Flamingo’s main food source of shrimp gives the bird its characteristic pink colour?
Sup 2/ From which small tree or shrub, Latin name Sambucus, is the Italian drink Sambuca made.
A. The ELDER plant
Sup 3/ What type of animal is a Bombay Duck?
Since its inauguration in 1992, four teams have won the Champions League without being
Champions of their domestic league in the previous season. Liverpool (2005) and Real Madrid (2000) are two. Name either of the other two.
Man Utd (1999) AC Milan(2003 & 2007)
"Crouch, touch, pause," What comes next?
Engage - said by Rugby Union referees when setting up a scrum.
Which Formula 1 driver will be Lewis Hamilton's McLaren team mate this season?
Heikki Kovalainen
Which English football ground will host this season's UEFA cup final?
The City of Manchester Stadium.
Name the American tennis coach who has recently parted company with Andy Murray.
Brad Gilbert
Which boxer beat Ricky Hatton in December 2007?
Floyd Mayweather.
Which golf course will host the 2008 Open Championship?
Royal Birkdale
Which country will host the FIFA World Cup in 2014?
Name either of the finalists taking part the mens' World Professional Darts Championship last week at the Lakeside Country Club.
Mike Webster or Simon Whitlock
Which sport is described on its official website as "the latest danger sport that combines
the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt.".
Extreme Ironing
This round is about books which have been made into films (with the same title)
Please identify the book/film from these brief fragments of the plot.
Q1. Jonathon Harker sets out on a long train journey from England to the Carpathian Mountains.
A1. Dracula
Q2. The heir of Isildur eventually gains the crown.
A2. The Lord of the Rings
Q3. Atticus defends a black man charged with rape.
A3. To Kill a Mockingbird.
Q4. Captain Keith Mallory and his team of saboteurs sail to a Greek island occupied by the Germans.
A4. The Guns of Navarone.
Q5. Fiver, Hazel and Bigwig (amongst others) look for a new home.
A5. Watership Down.
Q6. The Joad family head out West.
A6. The Grapes of Wrath
Q7. The corvette “Compass Rose” battles against the U-Boats.
A7. The Cruel Sea.
Q8. British Intelligence Agent Alec Leamas is called back to London from Berlin.
A8. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.
Q9. Roberta, Peter, Phyllis and their Mother suddenly have to leave Edwardian London and live in rural Yorkshire, minus their Father.
A9. The Railway Children.
Q10. Astronauts Bowman and Poole embark on a long space flight.
A10. 2001 (A Space Odyssey)
Each cartoon depicts a news story making headlines at some time in 2007 - the idea is to identify the story.
Note for question masters – please use your discretion in judging the answers. If the main points of the story are covered, it is the right answer.
Each question is a quote (spoken or sung) connected to an important event in the 20th Century. Please name that event, NOT who said or sang it.
e.g. Q.”A DATE THAT WILL LIVE IN INFAMY” What happened on that date?
A. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.
Q1. “GOLD......EVERYWHERE THE GLINT OF GOLD” What had the speaker found?
A 1. The tomb of Tutankhamun.
Q2. “THERE WILL BE NO WHITEWASH IN THE WHITE HOUSE” What episode in American history does this refer to?
A2. The Watergate scandal.
Q3. “GOODBYE ENGLAND’S ROSE” On what occasion was this song performed?
A3. The funeral of the Princess of Wales.
Q4. “WE DON’T SWAP SHIRTS WITH ANIMALS” what sporting event had just taken place?
A4. England verses Argentina (1966 Football World Cup)
A5. The Battle of Britain (part of Churchill’s Finest Hour Speech)
Q6. “WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF” What were people afraid of?
A6. The Great Depression (in America)
Q7. “I’M GOING TO STEP OFF THE LEM NOW” What was about to happen?
A7. The first moon walk.
Q8. “THE FLOWERS OF MANCHESTER”. What event prompted the writing of this song?
A8. The Munich Air Disaster
S1.” Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”. What event had just taken place?
AS1. The Battle of El Alamein
S2. “I am become death, shatterer of worlds”
A.S2. The first nuclear detonation (quoted by Robert Oppenheimer)
The questions below feature a euphamistic word or phrase in either the question or the answer.
Extraordinary blank is the practice of governments kidnapping suspects for interrogation. What is the missing word?
What is the British term for what Americans call 'Blue on Blue'?
Friendly fire
Now a euphemism for death, the term "pining for the fjords" comes from which classic
comedy sketch?
Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch.
Which labour spin doctor caused controversy in 2001 by saying September 11 was a "Good day for burying bad news"?
Jo Moore
What year was the Queen's 'Annus horribilis'?
1992 (accept 1991-1993)
You wouldn't want to receive it, but what, specifically, is known as a 'Glasgow Kiss'?
A head butt
The term 'Wardrobe malfunction' was coined by singer Justin Timberlake after which incident?
After the exposure of Janet Jackson's right breast during the Superbowl half time show (in 2004)
If the police arrested you for 'Twocing' (Pronounced Twoking), what are you specifically being accused of?
Car Theft. (do not accept stealing - TWOC stands for taken without owner's consent.)
The term 'Concentration Camp' was originally used by the British during which war?
The Second Boer war. (Accept Boer War)
What is the euphemistic sounding name of the dish which is widely thought to be made from animal testicles, but is in fact the thymus gland or pancreas of a young animal?
1/ The unicorn is a mythical creature but which mammal has the longest single horn?
A. THE NARWHAL (up to 2.7 metres!)
2/ Sightings of which animal are alleged to have led to the mermaid myth?
A. The MANATEE (also called DUGONG or SEA COW) all acceptable.
3/ What type of tree is a Coolibah tree – mentioned in the song ‘Waltzing Matilda’?
A. A type of eucalyptus
4/ The bite of which insect can lead to Lyme’s disease?
5/ Which disease occurs when round worms block the lymphatic system (leading to organ swelling)?
6/ Which U2 album is named after the desert plant Yucca Brevifolia?
7/ Where in the body are the Phalange bones found?
A. FINGERS and TOES. (accept either)
8/ Which biblical figure, a byword for poverty and patience, gives his name to a loosely tufted annual grass?
A. JOB (the grass is Job’s Tear)
Sup 1/ What substance in a Flamingo’s main food source of shrimp gives the bird its characteristic pink colour?
Sup 2/ From which small tree or shrub, Latin name Sambucus, is the Italian drink Sambuca made.
A. The ELDER plant
Sup 3/ What type of animal is a Bombay Duck?
Since its inauguration in 1992, four teams have won the Champions League without being
Champions of their domestic league in the previous season. Liverpool (2005) and Real Madrid (2000) are two. Name either of the other two.
Man Utd (1999) AC Milan(2003 & 2007)
"Crouch, touch, pause," What comes next?
Engage - said by Rugby Union referees when setting up a scrum.
Which Formula 1 driver will be Lewis Hamilton's McLaren team mate this season?
Heikki Kovalainen
Which English football ground will host this season's UEFA cup final?
The City of Manchester Stadium.
Name the American tennis coach who has recently parted company with Andy Murray.
Brad Gilbert
Which boxer beat Ricky Hatton in December 2007?
Floyd Mayweather.
Which golf course will host the 2008 Open Championship?
Royal Birkdale
Which country will host the FIFA World Cup in 2014?
Name either of the finalists taking part the mens' World Professional Darts Championship last week at the Lakeside Country Club.
Mike Webster or Simon Whitlock
Which sport is described on its official website as "the latest danger sport that combines
the thrills of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt.".
Extreme Ironing
This round is about books which have been made into films (with the same title)
Please identify the book/film from these brief fragments of the plot.
Q1. Jonathon Harker sets out on a long train journey from England to the Carpathian Mountains.
A1. Dracula
Q2. The heir of Isildur eventually gains the crown.
A2. The Lord of the Rings
Q3. Atticus defends a black man charged with rape.
A3. To Kill a Mockingbird.
Q4. Captain Keith Mallory and his team of saboteurs sail to a Greek island occupied by the Germans.
A4. The Guns of Navarone.
Q5. Fiver, Hazel and Bigwig (amongst others) look for a new home.
A5. Watership Down.
Q6. The Joad family head out West.
A6. The Grapes of Wrath
Q7. The corvette “Compass Rose” battles against the U-Boats.
A7. The Cruel Sea.
Q8. British Intelligence Agent Alec Leamas is called back to London from Berlin.
A8. The Spy Who Came In From the Cold.
Q9. Roberta, Peter, Phyllis and their Mother suddenly have to leave Edwardian London and live in rural Yorkshire, minus their Father.
A9. The Railway Children.
Q10. Astronauts Bowman and Poole embark on a long space flight.
A10. 2001 (A Space Odyssey)
Each cartoon depicts a news story making headlines at some time in 2007 - the idea is to identify the story.
Note for question masters – please use your discretion in judging the answers. If the main points of the story are covered, it is the right answer.
Sorry I had to put the questions at the beginning of the blog
1. The sailors freed from capture in Iran selling their story to the media.
2. The Napoli sinking off the south coast and beachcombers grabbing the cargo
3. The debate over whether Prince Harry should be allowed to serve in combat zones.
4. Cadbury to be prosecuted over salmonella found in some confectionary.
5. The start of the indoor smoking ban
6. Controversy over the misleading editing of the BBC Monarchy documentary.
7. Teacher Gillian Gibbons’ imprisonment in Sudan over the naming of a teddy bear.
8. Gordon Brown turning up late to sign the EU Treaty due to Parliamentary business. Had to sign it on his own several hours after everyone else.
S1. 25 million names go missing on Government Benefit discs.
S2. Ian Blair under pressure to resign over Stockwell shooting.
Set by
Sutton Church House
Q1. What was Giampaolo Pazzinis sporting first?
Ans. First official goal scored at the new Wembley.
Set by
Sutton Church House
Q1. What was Giampaolo Pazzinis sporting first?
Ans. First official goal scored at the new Wembley.
Q2. What is the quorum for a vote in the House of Commons?
Ans. 40
Q3. A broken laser pointer was the first thing to be sold where?
Ans. On Ebay (sold for $1483)
Q4. Which women live on Wisteria Lane?
Ans. Desperate Housewives.
Q5. In which sport is Edwin Hubble of telescope fame associated?
Ans. Boxing
Q6. What was measured from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger?
Ans. A Cubit.
Q7. More than a million of which toy were sold in the period 1980-1982?
Ans. Rubiks Cube.
Q8. Whose assassination started the First World War?
Ans. Archduke Ferdinand of Austria.
Q9. Who was arrested at the Texas Theatre Cinema?
Q9. Who was arrested at the Texas Theatre Cinema?
Ans. Lee Harvey Oswald.
Q10. What opened in Pike Place Market in Seattle in 1971?
Ans. First Starbucks Café.
Q11. What does an odometer measure?
Ans. Distance (travelled by a vehicle).
Q12. Who won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize?
Ans. Al Gore.
Q13. Who was apprenticed to Old Fezziwig?
Ans. Scrooge.
Q14. After what were Dolly Varden hats named?
Ans. A character in Dickens Barnaby Rudge.
Q15. Name the well known hymn written by John Newton?
Ans. Amazing Grace.
Q16. For what is a merle an old name?
Ans. A blackbird.
Q17. What road connects Buckingham Palace and Admiralty Arch?
Q17. What road connects Buckingham Palace and Admiralty Arch?
Ans. The Mall.
Q18. For what did the Beatles win an Oscar?
Ans. The ‘Let it Be’ film sound track.
Q19. Which city was named after the future James II?
Ans. New York (he was then the Duke of York).
Q20.What does James Alexander Gordon read?
Ans. Football results on the radio.
Q21. Which early Rock and Roller is known as ‘The Killer’?
Ans. Jerry Lee Lewis.
Q22 Name the South African mongoose that stands on its hind legs to survey its surroundings?Ans. Meerkat.
Q23. Who was the father of the princes in the tower?
Ans. Edward IV .
Q24. Which country came top in a recent survey of the happiest countries in the world?
Ans. Sweden.
Q25. Where would you find the Pope at No 5, the Wheel of Fortune at No 10 and the Devil at No 15?
Ans. A pack of Tarot cards.
Q25. Where would you find the Pope at No 5, the Wheel of Fortune at No 10 and the Devil at No 15?
Ans. A pack of Tarot cards.
Q26. Which hill in County Meath , 20 miles north of Dublin was the home of the High Kings of Ireland up to the 6th century AD?
Ans. Tara. (Only a series of earthworks now remain to mark the site).
Q27. Whose last words were reputed to be ‘The executioner is I believe very expert and my neck is very slender’?
Ans. Anne Boleyn.
Q28. Which French word meaning deception of the eye is applied to art that gives a distinct impression of reality?
Ans. Trompe L’oeil
Q29. In a menu if a dish is said to be served ‘Montmorency, which vegetable does it contain?
Ans. Asparagus.
Q30. In which play would you meet the character Lady Bracknell?
Ans. The importance of being Ernest.
Q31. In which book would you find the character Holden Caulfield?
Ans. Catcher in the Rye.
Q32. Which three headed dog guards the entrance to Hades?
Ans. Cerberus.
Q33. What was the name of the three headed dog in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’?Ans. Fluffy.
Q33. What was the name of the three headed dog in ‘Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone’?Ans. Fluffy.
Q34. Who is the Patron Saint of Dancers?
Ans. St Vitus.
Q35. Who is the Patron Saint of Doctors?
Ans. St Luke.
Q36. Which ancient City in Jordan has the poetic nickname ‘The rose red city, half as old as time’?
Ans. Petra.
Q37. Which city has a street called ‘The Land of Green Ginger’?
Ans. Hull (Kingston upon Hull)
Q38. Which family lived at Haworth Parsonage?
Ans. The Brontes.
Q39. Who lived at Hill Top, Cumbria?
Ans. Beatrix Potter.
Q40. The society of harmonious fists fought in which rebellion?
Ans. The Boxer.
Q41. The defenestration of Prague started the 30 years war, what was defenestration?
Ans. The protestant Governors threw two Roman Catholic governors through a castle window. (accept being thrown through a window).
Q41. The defenestration of Prague started the 30 years war, what was defenestration?
Ans. The protestant Governors threw two Roman Catholic governors through a castle window. (accept being thrown through a window).
Q42. Who tamed the winged horse Pegasus?
Ans. Bellerophon.
Q43. Who were the handmaidens of Odin?
Ans. The Valkyries.
Q44. White Surrey was which monarch’s favourite horse?
Ans. Richard III
Q45. Which famous pottery is marked with crossed swords?
Ans. Meissen.
Q46. What was the function of press gangs in the 19th century?
Ans. To recruit men into naval service by fair means or foul (usually foul).
Q47. The Zenith is a point on the celestial sphere what is the point directly opposite to it?Ans. The Nadir.
Q48. How many pairs of Chromosomes does a human usually have?
Ans. 23 pairs
Q49Who composed the opera Carmen?
Ans. Bizet.
Q50. In Britain there are four orders of Knighthood, the Order of the Garter and the Order of the Thistle are two, name either of the other two?
Ans. Order of the Bath or Order of St Patrick.
Q51. There are four great estuaries in England, the Thames and the Mersey are two, name either of the other two?
Ans. Severn or Humber.
Q52. Which was the first suspension bridge built in London?
Ans. Hammersmith Bridge.
Q53. What was the exact time of Roger Bannister's first sub four minute mile run in 1954?
Ans. 3 minutes 59.4seconds
Q54. What does a broadsword that is pointing to the ground represent at a Cenotaph or British War Cemetery?
Ans. The peace at the end of a battle. (accept peace).
Q55. Who was the French Vice Admiral that Nelson defeated at the Battle of Trafalgar?
Ans. Villeneuve.
Q56. Who was the first person to sail through the North West Passage in 1903-05?
Ans. Norwegian Roald Amundsen.
Q57. In 1938 what was ‘Kristalnacht’?
Ans. Riots when Jewish shop windows were smashed and Synagogues looted.
Q57. In 1938 what was ‘Kristalnacht’?
Ans. Riots when Jewish shop windows were smashed and Synagogues looted.
Q58. Which famous actor of the 1930’s was the first actor to walk out on his Warner Bros contract?
Ans. James Cagney.
Ans. James Cagney.
Q59. Who was the first famous actor to sign up for military service in 1941 when the US declared war on Japan after the Pearl Harbour attack?
Ans. Jimmy Stewart.
Q60. In the Nursery Rhyme ‘Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow’, who is Mary reputed to be?
Ans. Mary I of England.
Q61. In the Nursery Rhyme ‘Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water’, who were either Jack or Jill reputed to be?
Ans. Louis XVI or Marie Antoinette. (accept one or other answer).
Ans. Louis XVI or Marie Antoinette. (accept one or other answer).
Q62. How high in feet is the Angel Falls the highest waterfall in the world?
Ans. 3212feet (accept 3012 to 3412).
Q63. How many storeys are there in the Empire State Building in New York?
Ans. 102 (accept 92 to 112).
Q64. What is the origin of firing guns at military funerals?
Ans. To frighten away evil spirits.
Q65. In which country does the Mekong River rise?
Q65. In which country does the Mekong River rise?
Ans. Tibet.
Q66. Which Greek philosopher had a non-sexual relationship named after him?
Ans. Plato (platonic friendship).
Q67. Who wrote ‘The Beggars Opera’?
Ans. John Gay
Q68. Who was the last president of Germany before Hitler proclaimed himself Fuehrer?
Q68. Who was the last president of Germany before Hitler proclaimed himself Fuehrer?
Ans. Paul von Hindenburg.
Q69. Who was the last British Monarch to lead his troops into battle?
Ans. George II (Battle of Dettingen 1743).
Q70. Which British Athlete won the Olympic Gold Medal in the men’s 100metres in 1980?Ans. Allan Wells.
Q71. In the 1964 Olympics which British Athlete won the women’s 800metres?
Ans. Ann Packer
Ans. Ann Packer
Q72. Which American Actor had two UK Number one hits in 1977?
Ans. David Soul.
Q73. Which Canadian Group had a hit with ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’ in 1974?
Q73. Which Canadian Group had a hit with ‘You ain’t seen nothing yet’ in 1974?
Ans. Bachman Turner Overdrive.
Q74. Which UK chain store shares its name with one of Santa’s reindeer?
Ans. Comet.
Q75. Which fast food chain was began in Miami in 1954 by James McLamore and David Edgerton?
Ans. Burger King
Q76. What is Gymnophobia the fear of?
Ans. Nudity
Q77. What is Chrometophobia the fear of?
Ans. Money (Coins)
Q78 Which river rises on the flanks of Snowdon passes through Beddgelert and flows into the sea at Portmadog?
Ans. The Glaslyn.
Q79. Which town is encircled by the Snowdonia National Park but is not part of it?
Ans. Blaenau Ffestiniog
Q80. What was patented by Joseph Swan in 1878?
Ans. The Electric Light Bulb.
Q81. Which engine designer and fuel developer disappeared on a North Sea Ferry in 1913?
Q81. Which engine designer and fuel developer disappeared on a North Sea Ferry in 1913?
Ans. Rudolf Diesel.
Q82. Who said ‘Golf is a good walk spoiled’?
Ans. Mark Twain.
Q83. Who said ‘Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac’?
Ans. Henry Kissinger.
Q84. A fennel is the smallest breed of which animal?
Ans. Fox.
Q85. The monkey puzzle tree is the national tree of which country?
Ans. Chile.
Q86. Which British comedy actor was a member of the Cambridge 1980 boat race team?
Ans. Hugh Laurie
Q87. What nationality was racing driver Mario Andretti?
Ans. American.
Q88. What nationality is a car marked LAR?
Ans. Libya
Q89Which nationalities are separated by the Khyber Pass?
Ans. Libya
Q89Which nationalities are separated by the Khyber Pass?
Ans. Pakistanis and Afghans.
Q90. Which actress starred alongside Nick Nolte and Robert Shaw in the 1977 film ‘The Deep’?Ans. Jacqueline Bisset.
Q91. Who played the title role in the 1951 film ‘Captain Horatio Hornblower’?
Ans. Gregory Peck.
Q92. After whom was Rome named?
Ans. The twins Romulus and Remus.
Q93. After whom was Barcelona named?
Ans. Hamilca Barca, Hannibal’s father.
Q94 In 1851 the largest building the world had ever seen was opened in London. What was it?Ans.Crystal Palace.
Q95. Which dam harnesses the Colorado River?
Ans. The Hoover Dam.
Q96. In which stadium was the disaster in 1985 involving Liverpool and Juventus fans?
Ans. Heysel Stadium
Q1. Which Picasso painting was allowed to leave the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1981 for its new home in the Prado Madrid?
Q1. Which Picasso painting was allowed to leave the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1981 for its new home in the Prado Madrid?
Ans. Guernica.
Q2. In Scotland, which soup is traditionally served on Burns Night?
Ans. Cock-a-leekie.
Q3. Who invented tarmac?
Ans. John Macadam
Q4. In which country is the Serengeti National Park?
Ans. Tanzania
Q5. Which instrument did Benny Goodman play?
Ans. Clarinet.
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