Macclesfield Quiz League
2007-8 season: Week Five
4 December 2007
This week’s questions were set by the Ox-fford ‘C’.
Thanks to the Cock Inn and the Harrington ‘B’ for their help in vetting them.
The specialist rounds are:
1. Arts and Entertainment
2. Sport
3. ABBAmania
4. Geography
5. Let’s be Creative
6. Science
7. Join the Q
8. History
Our reference source for the vast majority of these questions is Wikipedia: the free encyclopaedia that anyone can edit (but perhaps unwisely, we don’t let that put us off!).
Round One: Arts and Entertainment
1 The Australian painter Sir Sidney Nolan is most famous for a series of portraits of which historical character?
A. Ned Kelly
2 Who replaced Simon Hoggart in the chair of BBC Radio 4’s The News Quiz, in September
A. Sandi Toksvig
3 Which was the only film directed by Alfred Hitchcock to win an Oscar for Best Picture?
A Rebecca (he never won an Oscar himself)
4 In which 1953 film did Marilyn Monroe play the role of Lorelei Lee?
AGentlemen Prefer Blondes
5 Who wrote The Doors of Perception, a short book first published in 1954, from which the rock group The Doors took their name?
A Aldous Huxley
6 Of which classic French novel is Jean Valjean the long-suffering central character?
A Les Miserables (by Victor Hugo)
7 Which musical features the songs Angel of Music, The Music of the Night, and The Point of No Return?
A Phantom of the Opera
8 Which female US singer partners former Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant on a recently released album?
A Alison Krauss
9 Which actress famously had her legs insured by her studio for a million dollars each?
A Betty Grable
10 Who was the canine companion of Freddie Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkly, and Norville Rogers?
A Scooby-Doo (Norville was better known as Shaggy)
Round Two: Sport
1 Which Indian batsman scored six sixes from an over by England’s Stuart Broad, in the inaugural Twenty20 World Cup (in September this year)?
A Yuvraj Singh
2 What’s the only football club that’s won the European Cup more times than its domestic League title?
A Nottingham Fores
What is the name of the Banbury-based team (its headquarters clearly visible from the M40!) whose debut in Formula One motor racing was recently postponed from 2008 to 2009?
4 In fencing, what word is used for a quick thrust made after parrying an opponent’s lunge?
A Riposte
5 Who scored all but three of South Africa’s 15 points in this year’s Rugby World Cup final?
A Percy Montgomery
6 Still the only jockey ever to have been knighted, who rode Pinza to his only Derby victory in 1953?
A Sir Gordon Richards
7 Who has reached the final of the World Snooker Championships six times, but never won it?
A Jimmy White
8 In which sport are games started, and restarted after a goal, with a “centre pass”?
9 What was the last non-league club to win the FA Cup, and also won the 100th final eighty years later?
A Tottenham Hotspur (1901 and 1981) – accept Spurs!
10 What’s the current name of the rugby club that was formed in 2003 when the Swansea and Neath clubs were forced to merge?
A Ospreys (formerly Neath-Swansea Ospreys)
11 Iftikar Ali Khan and his son Mansoor Ali Khan both captained the Indian cricket team. By what hereditary title were they both better known?
AThe Nawab of Pataudi (na-WAAB of pa-TOR-dee)
Round Three: ABBAmania
In this round, each question has a link to the works of Sweden’s greatest export. You don’t have to know the songs – but if you don’t, shame on you!
1 Which ‘dancing queen’ retired from ballet this summer and is currently touring with Katherine Jenkins in a show called Viva la Diva?
A Darcey Bussell
2 Where precisely was Harold Bride when he said to his colleague Jack Phillips "Send SOS; it's the new call, and this may be your last chance to send it."?
AOn the Titanic
3 Who described the Battle of Waterloo as “The nearest-run thing you ever saw in your life”?
A The Duke of Wellington
4 Martin Luther King delivered his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech from the steps of which monument?
A The Lincoln Memorial
5 Fernando Torres became Liverpool’s record signing this summer. Which club had he previously been with since the age of eleven?
A Atletico Madrid
6 The name of which game was changed around 1873 from “Poona” to that of the stately home of the Dukes of Beaufort?
A Badminton
7 Who was the original host of the popular 1970s quiz show Winner Takes All?
A Jimmy Tarbuck
8 Who starred as Linda La Hughes in the sitcom Gimme, gimme, gimme?
A Kathy Burke
9 Which song, originally a hit for LaBelle and subtitled Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir, reached number 1 in the UK charts in 2001 after being featured in the film Moulin Rouge?
A Lady Marmalade
10 In the theatre, what is a super trouper?
A A spotlight
11 Who boasted that he occupied “the third best slot on Radio Norwich”?
A Alan Partridge (Knowing me, knowing you, ah-ha …)
Round Four: Geography
1 Name one of the two main towns that, along with Torquay, make up the unitary authority of Torbay.
A Brixham or Paignton
2 Which Irish county includes the most westerly point of the British Isles?
A Kerry
3 What’s the second largest US state, by both area and population?
A Texas (Alaska is the biggest by area, and California by population)
4 Haddington Hill, near Wendover in Buckinghamshire, is the highest point in which range of hills?
A The Chilterns
5 Which European country has a picture of Triglav, its highest mountain, on its flag?
A Slovenia
6 Which country was formed from the former Dutch East Indies?
A Indonesia
7 What name is given to a valley that’s formed when land subsides between two parallel faults?
A Rift valley
8 Which French port stands at the mouth of the River Seine?
A Le Havre
9 Which Nottinghamshire town gave its name to what’s now the largest city in New Jersey?
A Newark(-on-Trent)
10 Which country does the Sinai (SYE-nay-eye) peninsula form part of?
A Egypt
Round Five: Let’s be creative
Note to question persons: this is a visual round. Before starting, ask if any of the contestants is or are visually impaired; if anyone is, offer them (when it comes to their turn) one of the alternatives below.
You should have two copies of each picture. Hand out one copy to each team simultaneously, one question at a time.
Now please read out the following paragraph to the contestants!
This is a visual round. You will be shown a picture of a “creative” person from the world of the Arts – either a composer, a painter, or a writer. You just have to name the person. (these pictures will be available for 1 week only)
1 Franz Schubert (composer)
2 Leonardo Da Vinci (painter)
3 Jane Austen (writer)
4 Sir Edward Elgar (composer)
5 Vincent Van Gogh (painter)
6 Charles Dickens (writer)
7 Ludwig van Beethoven (composer)
8 Virginia Woolf (writer)
Alternatives (for visually impaired contestants)
1 Who wrote the novels The Mill on the Floss, Middlemarch, and Daniel Deronda?
A George Eliot
2 Who composed the Goldberg Variations, Six Suites for Unaccompanied Cello, and a collection of solo keyboard pieces entitled The Well-Tempered Clavier?
A Johann Sebastian Bach
1 Salvador Dali (painter)
2 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (composer)
Round Six: Science
1 In the human body, what links the ear to the throat?
A The Eustachian tube
2 What’s the main constituent of natural gas?
A Methane
3 Name one of the two distinct types of galaxy, according to their shape.
A Spiral or elliptical
4 What’s the common name for sodium hydroxide (formula NaOH)?
A Caustic soda (accept lye)
5 Which inert gas is the third most plentiful gas in the Earth’s atmosphere?
A Argon
6 How many stones are there in a hundredweight?
A Eight (8 x 14 = 112)
7 What’s the more correct (but non-scientific) name for the hedge sparrow?
A The dunnock
8 Elephant, leopard, Weddell and Ross are species belonging to which family of mammals?
A Seals
9 If you suffered from phlebitis, which part of your body would be inflamed?
A Veins (accept blood vessels)
10 Which native British mammal has the Latin name Lutra lutra?
A The otter
Round Seven: Join the Q
Every answer in this round starts with the letter Q.
1 Which of the world’s capital cities is nearest to the equator?
A Quito (Ecuador)
2 In mathematics, what word is used for the result of a division?
A The quotient
3 Which fruit was originally used to make marmalade?
A Quince
4 Which type of zebra was hunted to extinction in the late 19th century?
A The quagga
5 What was the title of The Who’s second rock opera, released in 1973?
A Quadrophenia
6 What weird name did Nissan give to the “compact crossover sports utility vehicle” which it launched this year?
A Qashqai
7 Which common mineral are agate, jasper, onyx and amethyst varieties of?
A Quartz
8 Which bitter alkaloid is added to water to make tonic water?
A Quinine
9 Which word is said to have been introduced to the English language in 1780 by a Dublin theatre manager, for a bet?
A Quiz
10 Which member of the pheasant family has a name that means “to shrink with fear”?
A The quail
11 Which Aztec god is often referred to as the Feathered Serpent?
A Quetzlcoatl (quet-zl-co-atl)
12 Which famous fictional character was found on the Sunday after Easter, and given one of the many names for that day in the Christian calendar?
A Quasimodo (the Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Round Eight: History
1 Which European country was formed in the 19th century when Wallachia and Moldavia were united?
A Romania
2 Which Roman Catholic priest was Lord Chancellor from 1515 to 1529, during which period he effectively ruled England?
A Cardinal (Thomas) Wolsey
3 Who was the grandson of Genghis Khan, and founded the Yuan dynasty which ruled China from 1271 AD until 1368?
A Kublai Khan
4 Which family ruled Russia, from 1613 until the 1917 revolution?
A The Romanovs
5 Who punched Home Secretary Reginald Maudling, in protest at not being called to speak in the House of Commons following Bloody Sunday?
A Bernadette Devlin (later McAliskey)
6 Which country became independent of Ethiopia in 1991 following a thirty-year war?
A Eritrea
7 Which African country was led by Dr. Hastings Banda from 1961 to 1994?
A Malawi (accept Nyasaland)
8 Which Prime Minister refused to meet the Jarrow Marchers on their arrival in Downing Street?
A Stanley Baldwin
9 Which dynasty ruled Portugal from 1640 until 1910?
A The House of Braganza
10 Which South African town did Robert Baden-Powell defend against a siege by Boers in 1889-90?
A Mafeking
General Knowledge questions
1 Name one of the two candidates to replace Sir Menzies (Ming) Campbell as leader of the Liberal Democrats.
A Nick Clegg or Chris Huhne (the result is due to be announced on 17 December)
2 In cooking, what’s the French term for a water bath used to prevent overheating?
A Bain Marie
3 Which French city, famous for its mustard, is the capital of the Burgundy (or Bourgogne) region?
A Dijon
4 Much in the news in May this year, what was originally the nickname of the witch Nannie, in Burns’ poem Tam o’Shanter?
A Cutty-sark
5 Who is the father of Charlotte Church’s daughter Ruby, born in September this year?
A Gavin Henson (Rugby player, Ospreys and Wales)
6 How is the Flavian Amphitheatre better known today?
A The Colosseum
7 Who played Rachel in Cold Feet, and Emily in Friends?
A Helen Baxendale
8 What did Dominic Cork do in 1995 and Matthew Hoggard in 2004 – both against the West Indies – Cork being the first player to do so for England since 1957?
A They each took a hat trick in a Test match
9 England played Russia on a plastic pitch in October this year. Which former England manager co-wrote a novel called They used to play on grass?
A Terry Venables (with Gordon Williams). (Since that Russia game, Venables has also become a former England Assistant Manager.)
10 The novel The Siege of Trencher’s Farm, by Gordon Williams, was controversially filmed in 1971 by Sam Peckinpah. What was the title of the film?
A Straw Dogs
11 What name, from a dialect word for “to bounce”, is given in North Eastern England to an oven bottom loaf, traditionally served with fillings such as ham and pease pudding?
A Stottie cake
12 What is the principal thoroughfare in the city of Dublin, named after a nineteenth century Irish nationalist leader?
A O’Connell Street
13 Which best-selling book, first published in 1995, was subtitled The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time?
A Longitude (by Dava Sobel)
14 Who was born in Mobberley in 1886 and disappeared in 1924, his body being found 75 years later?
A George Leigh Mallory
15 Which Mediterranean island was the centre of the Minoan civilisation, the oldest in Europe?
A Crete
16 Who had hits in the 1980s with Straight up and Opposites attract, but is perhaps better known now as a judge on American Idol?
A Paula Abdul
17 Which form of transport is alternatively known as an ACV?
A Hovercraft (it stands for Air Cushion Vehicle)
18 What is or was the claim to fame of Sir Nigel Gresley, who died in 1941 aged 64?
A He designed railway locomotives (most famously the Flying Scotsman and Mallard)
19 Who played Legolas in The Lord of the Rings, and Will Turner in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy?
A Orlando Bloom
20 What was the subtitle of the third film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series, released in May this year?
A At World’s End
21 Which city lies at the confluence of the Blue Nile and the White Nile?
A Khartoum
22 Which plant did George Orwell use in the title of a novel, to symbolise dull, bourgeois British taste?
A The aspidistra (in Keep the aspidistra flying)
23 In the First Book of Samuel, Goliath is described as the champion of which tribe or people?
A The Philistines
24 Which famous historical character tamed and rode a horse named Bucephalus (byoo-SEPH-uh-lus)?
A Alexander the Great
25 Which river is spanned by the first iron bridge, built in 1779?
A Severn
26 Which football club, currently lying bottom of the Coca-Cola Championship, claims to have the world’s oldest fans’ song, in On the Ball City?
A Norwich City
27 Which silk-like fabric or yarn is made from the hair of the angora goat?
A Mohair
28 In classical mythology, what name was given to the sea nymphs who lured sailors onto the rocks by their singing?
A Sirens
29 Which mythical beast is described by Homer in The Iliad as “a lion in front, a serpent behind, and a goat in the middle”?
A The chimera
30 The capital of British Columbia is Victoria; but what’s its largest city?
A Vancouver
31 What’s the name of the London restaurant run by the Roux (roo) brothers, originally that of a character from Les Misérables?
A La Gavroche
32 Known technically as a worm drive hose clip, what sort of fastener was patented in 1921 by L. Robinson and Company of Gillingham, Kent?
A The Jubilee clip
33 Who was the last king of the ancient kingdom of Lydia, renowned for his wealth?
A Croesus (CREE-sus)
34 What’s the name of the building in Washington DC where the US Congress meets?
A The Capitol
35 How did Mladen Petrić (PET-rich) make news last month?
A He scored Croatia’s winning goal against England (accept anything that says he played in this game)
36 Also used on Tyneside as a term of endearment, what is the offspring of a female donkey and a male horse called?
A hinny
37 In Disney’s film version of Pinocchio, what sort of creature was J. Worthington Foulfellow?
A He was the sly fox that led Pinocchio astray
38 What did St. Patrick use, according to tradition, to illustrate the doctrine of the Holy Trinity?
A A shamrock
39 In which English county are Cheddar Gorge and Wookey Hole?
A Somerset
40 Since the death of Denny Doherty in January this year, Michelle Phillips is the only surviving member of which 60s pop group?
A The Mamas and the Papas
41 Which popular personal communications technology is named after the grandfather of King Canute?
A Bluetooth (Harald Bluetooth, King of Denmark and Norway, 935-986)
42 Who was General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party from 1964 to 1982?
A Leonid Brezhnev
43 What is the date of the Ides of March?
A 15th March
44 In which English town is the Waterloo Hotel, often described as “the home of Crown GreenBowling”?
A Blackpool
45 The University of Warwick is on the outskirts of which city?
A Coventry
46 Who played Elaine Robinson in The Graduate, and Etta Place in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?
A Katharine Ross
47 Which former Manchester City and England goalkeeper died as a result of the Munich air crash of 1958?
A Frank Swift (he was working as a reporter for the News of the World)
48 Which European country has “Helvetia” on its stamps?
A Switzerland
49 Which deodorant was immortalised in the title of Nirvana’s first and arguably greatest hit?
A Teen Spirit (the song was Smells like Teen Spirit)
50 When and/or where might you see Bailey’s Beads?
A Around the edge of the Sun during an eclipse (accept either)
51 Who was elected President of Israel in July this year, having previously served three terms as Prime Minister?
A Shimon Peres
52 What connects the singer Billie Holliday with the date of March 25th?
A Lady Day – her nickname and the Quarter Day that falls on that date
53 In rugby football, how are the Hooker and the two Props collectively known?
A The front row (of the scrum)
54 What is England’s third oldest university?
A Durham
55 Who played Flash Gordon in three classic film series from 1936 to 1940?
A Buster Crabbe
56 Which famous Arsenal and Ireland footballer of the 1970s was nicknamed “Chippy” and has a name that’s an anagram of “admirably”?
A Liam Brady
57 Which famous Hollywood actor has a name that’s an anagram of “costumier”?
A Tom Cruise
58 Which No. 1 single of 2007 begins with the words, “Let it never be said / That romance is dead / ’cos there’s so little else / occupying my head”?
A Ruby (by the Kaiser Chiefs)
59 Which English scientist discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism, and invented the dynamo?
A Michael Faraday
60 Which famous battle was fought near the village of Branxton in Northumberland, on the 9th of September 1513?
A Flodden Field
61 Which well-known lyric is popularly set to the traditional Irish tune known as the Londonderry Air (or Air from County Derry)?
A Danny Boy
62 Who won the women’s singles championship at Wimbledon, eight times between 1927 and 1938?
A Helen Wills (Moody) – accept either surname
63 Which technique made Edward de Bono famous in the late 1960s?
A Lateral thinking
64 Which 1960 “rat pack caper” was remade in 2001 starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon, and to date has fostered two sequels?
A Ocean’s Eleven
65 Which modern country is roughly equivalent to the ancient region of Mesopotamia?
A Iraq
66 Which is the largest of Italy’s three major “pre-alpine” lakes (the others being Maggiore and Como)?
A Lake Garda
67 What was the title of the single by Rihanna, which earlier this year spent ten weeks at No. 1 in the UK charts – the first single this century to do so?
A Umbrella
68 By what nickname is iron pyrites (py-RITE-ees) better known?
A Fool’s Gold
69 Which unexplained or supernatural phenomenon is named from the German for “noisy ghost”?
A Poltergeist
70 Which fizzy drink is celebrated in a sculpture on Granby Row, Manchester, where it was first created in 1908?
A Vimto
71 What’s the name of the Jamaican sprinter who knocked three hundredths of a second off his own 100 metres world record in September this year?
A Asafa Powell
72 Which German bacteriologist invented, and gave his name to, a shallow glass dish used to grow cells?
A Julius Richard Petri
73 Best known as the illustrator of Roald Dahl’s books, who became the first Children’s Laureate in 1999?
A Quentin Blake
74 Which country does the snooker player James Wattana come from?
A Thailand
75 In which river did the Pied Piper drown the rats of Hamelin?
A The Weser (VAY-zuh)
76 Which cartoon character is or was “the fastest mouse in all Mexico”?
A Speedy Gonzales
77 In which region of the Atlantic Ocean do eel larvae hatch?
A The Sargasso Sea
78 What’s the English translation of the Latin word Ubique (OO-bi-kway), which is the motto of the Royal Artillery?
A Everywhere
79 What sort of material does a lapidary work with?
A Stones (generally precious and/or decorative ones)
80 Who left Bristol in 1497 to sail to America?
A John Cabot
81 The founder of the Samaritans died last month at the age of 95. What was his name?
A The Reverend Chad Varah
82 Whose first novel, published in 1998, was entitled Digital Fortress?
A Dan Brown (of Da Vinci Code fame)
83 Who was born Thomas Henry Sargent and nicknamed “the Cheeky Chappie”?
A Max Miller
84 What’s the commonest type of volcanic rock – the Giant’s Causeway being one famous feature that’s made of it?
A Basalt (BAZ-ult)
85 Who played Father Noel Furlong in three episodes of Father Ted?
A Graham Norton
86 What’s the alternative name for the killer whale, also used in the film Jaws as the name of the boat belonging to the shark hunter Quint?
A The orca
87 Which hairstyle, popular a generation ago but now decidedly unfashionable, has the same name as a fish?
A The mullet
88 Who was sworn in last week as Australia’s first new Prime Minister since 1996?
A Kevin Rudd
89 Who is the Macclesfield-born coach of the England cricket team, having replaced Duncan Fletcher in April this year?
A Peter Moores
90 What adjective describes interest calculated on interest already accrued, as well as on capital?
A Compound
91 Which annual contest takes place just outside the village of Brockworth, near Gloucester, on Spring Bank Holiday Monday (traditionally Whit Monday)?
A Cheese rolling
92 Ronald Reagan’s first wife died in September this year. What was her professional name?
A Jane Wyman
93 Who or what was toasted by Jacobites as “the little gentleman in black velvet” after being held responsible for the death of William III?
A The mole (whose molehill the King’s horse stumbled on)
94 Who played Anthony in The Royle Family, and Jonny in Two Pints of Lager & a Packet of Crisps?
A Ralf Little
95 Which shrub, closely related to broom, is also known as whin or furze?
A Gorse
96 If something ossifies, what does it turn into?
A Bone
97 In children’s literature, which character’s final words were “Floreat Etona”?
A Captain Hook (in Peter Pan)
98 Which Lancashire town was the birthplace of the singer Kathleen Ferrier and the fellwalking guru Alfred Wainwright?
A Blackburn
99 From which plant are linen and linseed oil obtained?
A Flax
100 Which familiar Latin phrase means “in good faith”?
A Bona fide
101 Who published an autobiographical book, in 1959, entitled Goodness had nothing to do with it?
A Mae West
102 Lack of which element in the diet is the most common cause of goitre?
A Iodine
103 Who or what was referred to in the 19th century as “the sick man of Europe”?
A The Ottoman Empire (accept Turkey)
104 In which sport was the Giuseppe Garibaldi Trophy awarded for the first time, in February this year?
A Rugby (Union) – it goes to the winners of the annual match between Italy and France. 2007 is the bicentenary of Garibaldi’s birth
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