
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Specialist and General Knowledge 23 Jan

Specialist Questions for 23rd Jan 2007
Set By - George & Dragon

• Science
• Geography
• Taste the Difference
• AKA (also known as??)
• Logo's
• Sport
• History
• Arts & Entertainment (Catchphrases)


Q1. Which is the only known planet in the solar system to rotate from East to West? Al Venus

Q2. Who was the first woman in space?
A2. Valentina Tereshkova. (1963)

Q3. What acid is used in a standard car battery?
A3. Sulphuric acid

Q4. Which metal is always part of an amalgam?
A4. Mercury

Q5. Which geological age immediately precedes the Jurassic?
A5 The Triassic.

Q6. In which country did the extinct bird the Moa live?
A6. New Zealand.

Q7. The lack of which vitamin causes the disease Rickets?
A7 Vitamin D.

Q8 In which organ in the body would you find the pineal gland?
A8. The brain


Q9. Halley's comet orbits the sun once every 75 years. In which year will it next be visible to the naked eye from the Earth?
A9. 2061 (accept 2052 to 2072)

Q10. Which element has the highest melting point?
A10. Carbon at approx 4000 deg C. (In case of disputes Tungsten melts at 3400 deg C)

Geography Questions

1. In which Irish county is the Blarney Stone?
A. (Blarney Castle) County Cork

2. Where would you find the Queen Alexandra, Queen Elizabeth and Queen Maud mountain ranges?
A. Antarctica

3. What is the largest country (in land area) in the world?
A. Russia (c.17 million square kilometres)

4. Which US state has the longest shoreline?
A. Alaska (33,904 miles)

5. Hen Cloud, Ramshaw Rocks and which other gritstone escarpment formerly known for its "wallabys" form the South Western edges of the Peak district?
A. The Roaches

6. What name is given to the notorious tidal current in the Lofoten islands
off northern Norway?
A. Maelstrom

7. In which stretch of British water would you find Bass Rock?
A. The Firth of Forth

8. What do the Australians call a long narrow or an oxbow Lake?
A. A Billabong


9. The Spice Islands were once a highly sought after destination by medieval traders since they were the only place in the world where nutmeg and cloves grew. Today the Spice Islands are called?
A, The Moluccas (accept Maluku also)

10. What is the upland area of the Peak District called which is a high windswept gritstone plateau, it also has its highest point at Crowden Head (631 metres)?
A. Kinder Scout


Q1. From where does the cheese known as PANEER come from?
Al. India

Q2. What is QUARK?
A2. A low fat soft cheese

Q3. Which type of meat is used in OSSO BUCO?
A3. Veal

Q4. Identify one of the main ingredients of the dish SCOTCH WOODCOCK?
A4. Anchovies OR Eggs on toast

Q5. What type of edible nuts are FILBERTS?
A5. Hazelnuts

Q6. Which vegetable is also called LADIES FINGERS?
A6. Okra

Q7. Which herb is also known as MARJORAM
A7. Oregano

Q8. What is a SINGING HINNY?
A8. Northumberland Fruit loaf. (Name comes from the sound made when it is being cooked) (Accept fruit loaf)


Q9. With which food (specifically) is the Village of Craster famous?
A9. Kippers (accept smoked fish)

Q10. What is KULFI?
A10. Indian Ice Cream

Al 1. French candied chestnuts

Q12. What is / was FRUMENTY?
Al2. Medieval Xmas Spiced Porridge

AKA (Also Known As) ?????

Q1. How is Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall known in Scotland?
Al. Duchess of Rothesay

Q2. What was the nickname of Lyons Corner and Tea Houses waitresses?
A2. Nippys

Q3. Who was the original 'IT girl'?
A3. Clara Bow

Q4. Which monarch was known as `Old Rowley'?
A4. Charles II

Q5. Who was known as the `Brazilian Bombshell'?
A5. Carmen Miranda

Q6. Which screen star was known as the `Sweater Girl'?
A6. Lana Turner

Q7. Which British Monarch was referred to as 'The Widow of Windsor'?
A7. Queen Victoria

Q8. Which English Conductor was known as `Flash Harry'?
A8. Sir Malcolm Sargent


Q9. Who was known as `The Pink Powder Puff?
A9. Rudolf Valentino

Q10. Who is referred to as the 'Lady of Mann'?
A10. The Queen (Isle of Man)

Q11. Who was the 'Wasp of Twickenham'?
Al 1. Alexander Pope

Who's Logo Is It Anyway ...

You will be presented with a picture of a logo with the wording removed. All you have to do is say which company the logo is for ...

(Pictures published above, answers only here - in the wrong order but Heh! It's a quiz - Nick):
Peugeot, Mitsubishi, Skoda, Lada, Lexus, Rover, Opel, Ferrari, Royal Banks of Scotland, liberal Democrat Party, Texaco and FA premiership .. Carling

Sports questions for January 2007 from Pat Jeater

1. Who was manager of Arsenal FC immediately before Arsene Wenger
A. Bruce Rioch

2. Which game would you have been playing if you had won the Stanley Cup?
A. Ice Hockey

3. Which football club plays its home games at Carrow Road?
A. Norwich City

4. In which Australian city is the 'Gabba' cricket ground?
A. Brisbane. (Gabba is short for Wooloongabba, which is a suburb of Brisbane.)

5. At which golf course is there a hole called 'The Postage Stamp'?
Royal Troon (Scotland) - Accept Troon

6. Which country does tennis player Mark Phillipoussis come from?
A. Australia

7. What is the name of the garment / uniform worn by contestants at Judo?
A. Judogi

8. In a tennis tie break, after how many points played do players change ends?
A. 6


9. The terms serve, spike and dig are used in which sport?
a. Volleyball

10. Which county did David Gower represent in English county cricket matches?
a. Leicestershire

11. Which country did motor racing's Juan Manuel Fangio come from?
A. Argentina

Q1. Who succeeded Stalin as leader of the USSR?
Al. Georgy Malenkov

Q2. Who was the first British king to have the title "Emperor of India"?
A2. Edward VII

Q3. In which year was the Salvation Army founded?
A3 1865 (allow1860 to 1870)

Q4. Who, in 1946, was the last person to be executed in Britain for treason?
A4 William Joyce (Lord Haw —Haw). Accept either

Q5. Which war was officially ended by the 1856 Treaty of Paris?
A5 The Crimean War.

Q6 Who was the last British Governor of Hong Kong?
A6. Chris Patten

Q7. Who was the father of King Henry I?
A7. William the Conqueror

Q8.In which year did the IRA bomb the Grand Hotel in Brighton?
A8. 1984 (No leeway)


Q. Who was the Iraqi foreign minister during the 1991 Gulf War?
A. Tariq Aziz.

Q. Who was Britain's youngest 20th century Prime Minister?
A. Tony Blair

Q. From the end of World War 1 to the opening of Wembley stadium in 1923, where was the FA Cup Final staged?
A. Stamford Bridge.

Q. In which year were the first Winter Olympic Games held?
A. 1924 (in Chamonix, France).

Arts and Entertainment questions

1. Which film-maker has received the most Academy Awards (as at 2006)?
A. Walt Disney (48 in his lifetime, according to his Disney corporation biography)

2. What is the name of the wood where Winnie the Pooh lives?
A. Hundred Acre Wood

3. Which writer created the fictional British MI6 spy George Smiley?
A. John le Carre

4. Which musician along with Bob Geldof founded Band Aid in 1984?
A. Midge Ure

5. Who directed the 1969 western The Wild Bunch and the 1971 thriller Straw Dogs?
A. Sam Peckinpah

6. What was the name of the character played by Richard Beckinsale in UK TV series Porridge?
A. Lennie Godber (Accept Godber)

7. Which country was the location of the second UK TV series of Auf Wiedersehen Pet?
A. Spain

8. Which actor played the King in the 1995 film The Madness of King George?
A. Nigel Hawthorne


9. In which Thomas Hardy novel does the character Bathsheba Everdene appear?
A. Far from the Madding Crowd

10. What is the name of the character played by Sarah Jessica Parker in the US TV series Sex and the City?
A. Carrie Bradshaw (Accept Carrie)
11. Which iconic rock music frontman sang backing vocals on Carly Simon's 1973 hit You're So Vain?
A. Mick Jagger


1. Q. What links the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool and a traditional GPO red telephone box.
A. They were both designed by the same person. (Sir Giles Scott, Architect 1880 -1960)

2. Q. On 23rd November 2006, Alexander Litvinenko the former Russian KGB Colonel died in London from poisoning by which element. A. Polonium 210 (accept Polonium)

3. Q. The City of Stoke on Trent comprises 6 towns, Hanley, Stoke, Tunstall, Burslem and Fenton are 5, name the missing town
A. Longton

4. Q. The Americans like to name airports after their favourite celebrities, after whom is Burbank, California Airport named.
A. Bob Hope

5. Q. Who composed the music to Peter and the Wolf?
A. Sergey Prokofiev (1936)

6. Q. Which Radio presenter casually referred to White Van Man in the early 1990's not thinking that the expression would become part of every day English.
A. Sarah Kennedy.

7. Q. According to Katie Melluah, how many bicycles are there in Beijing.
A. 9 Million

8. Q. What common feature of eligibility determines the location for The British Open Golf Championship.
A. The competition rules state that it must be played on a LINKS course.

9. Q. What is the required weight for a Curling Stone?
A. Max weight 40 pounds, min weight 39 pounds. (Accept 39 — 41)

10. Q. One of the Ancient Wonders of the World, the Hanging Gardens at Babylon received a constant supply of water, from which river.
A. The Euphrates

11. Q. During the Ipswich murder investigations before Christmas, who was the Detective Chief Superintendent who became the public face of Suffolk Police.
A. Stewart GULL

12. Q. How old was King George VI when he died in 1952
A. 56 (accept 55 — 57)

13. Q. In which city are the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund?
A. Washington

14. Q. In the early TV advert how much did it cost to clean a big big carpet with 1001 shampoo
A. less than half a crown

15. Q. After being executed, where was Saddam Hussein's body buried?
A. Tikrit (this was disputed - not only was this asked last week but it had a different answer!)

16. Q. Like an earlier question about America, after whom is Orange County Airport, California named.
A. John Wayne.

17. Q. In this year's New Year Honours List, what did James Dyson of bagless vacuum cleaner fame become
A. SIR James Dyson

18. Q. Which train operating Company was hit by strikes over Christmas and New Year.
A. Central Trains

19. Q. In which year did the Duke of Windsor, the abdicated King Edward VIII die?
A. 1972 (accept 1971 — 1973)

20. Q. On 3rd January, Michael Perham aged 14 made headline news with his new world record, what did he do.
A. The youngest person to sail single handed across the Atlantic

21. Q. In which year did Esther Rantzen launch Child line?
A. 1986 (Accept 1985 — 1987)

22. Q. Which TV Police drama continues to be titled after the main character who died 4 years ago
A. Taggart

23. Q. With which cigarette in early TV advertising were you never alone?
A. Strand

24. Q. Which plant produces the fibres used in the manufacture of Linen?
A. Flax

25. Q. On 4th January, Nancy Pelosi made history by becoming what
A. The first woman Speaker of US the House of Representatives.

26. Q. Which singer's latest album (November 2006) went straight to number 1 in the classical music charts and number 5 in the popular music charts.
A. Katherine Jenkins

27. Q. What is collected by a Numismatist?
A. Coins

28. Q. After his death, James Brown's body lay in an open casket in which Harlem, New York Theatre, recently saved from decay and refurbished.
A. The Apollo

29. Q. Before selling furniture, Italian immigrants messrs Arighi and Bianchi sold What from door to door
A. Barometers

30. Q. In the New Years Honours list, which award was given to Rod Stewart?

31. Q. In Coronation Street's Rovers Return, which brewery's beer is sold?
A. Newton and Ridley.

32. Q. What is added to glass during manufacture to enable it to be cut without Shattering.
A. Lead

33. Q. What is the title of the follow up detective series to Morse
A. Lewis
34. Q Which painting by Sir John Millais showing a small child in a green smock holding a clay pipe was the most famous advert for Pears soap.
A. Bubbles

35. Q. In Victorian times, if a man gave his occupation as an Ostler, what exactly did he do?
A. He was a "stableman" at a coaching inn

36. Q. What is collected by a deltiologist?
A. Postcards.

37. Q. If an American calls you Chuck as a nickname, what is your real Christian name (male)
A. Charles

38. Q. Auld Reekie is the nick name for which British City.
A Edinburgh

39. Q. Which city is home to the French pottery industry
A. Limoges (accept SEVRES also)

40. Q. If you are flying and your luggage label shows your destination as BRS, where in the UK are you going to.
A. Bristol.

41. Q. The blue cornflower is the French commemorative equivalent to what in England?
A. The red poppy

42. Q. Ambassador to the Court of Saint James is the official title for Ambassadors of which country?

43. Q. Which N. African seaport's name is Spanish for white house?
A. Casablanca

44. Q. How many people take part in the dance of a quadrille?
A. Eight

45. Q. How many stars are on the European Union flag?
A. Twelve

46. Q. In Scrabble 2 letters have a value of 2, D is one, what is the other?
A. G

47. Q. In slang, how much money is a monkey?
A. £500

48. Q. What rank in the Royal Navy is the equivalent of the army's Field Marshall? A. Admiral of the Fleet.

49. Q. Who is the longest serving member of the Privvy Council?
A. The Duke of Edinburgh (appointed in 1951)

50. Q. Astrologically speaking, two of the fire signs are LEO and ARIES. Which is the third?
A. Sagittarius

51. Q. Which number president of the USA is George W Bush
A. 43

52. Q. What was Fanny Craddock's real first name?
A. Phyllis

53. Q. How old was Magnus Magnusson when he died?
a. 77 (no leeway)

54. Q. Which castle is on the North East coast of Anglesey? #
a. Beaumaris (???)

55. Q. Which MP made the news headlines recently for taking her child out of State School?
a. Ruth Kelly

56. Q. Which Regiment did Prince William join on 8th January 2007?
b. The Blues and Royals

57. Q. On which day of the year does All Souls Day fall?
a. November 2nd

58. Q. How many pieces does each player start with in a game of draughts?
A. 12

59. Q. What are the caves at Lascaux famous for?
a. Prehistoric paintings

60. Q. The world's biggest technology show took place recently. In which city was it held?
a. Las Vegas

61. Q. Illustrated on its logo, the product Marmite is named after a French word meaning what?
a. Cooking Pot.

62. Q. Why did Laura Pearce make the news headlines recently?
a. She was the first £250,000 winner on deal or no deal

63. Q. Plutoed" has been chosen as word of the year for 2006 by the American Dialect Society recently, what does it mean?
A. To be demoted or devalued.

64. Q. Who wrote the novel 'Fantastic Mr. Fox'?
b. Roald Dahl

65. Q. Which was the first European country to issue banknotes?
a. Sweden

66. Q Which is the only town name in Britain to end in an exclamation mark?
a. Westward Ho!

67. Q. What item of confectionary was advertised with the slogan, 'just enough to give your kids a Treat'?
a. (A finger of) Cadbury's Fudge

68. Q. By what name is Barbara Millicent Roberts better known?
a. Barbie (the doll)

69. Q. 'Cambridge Favourite', 'Royal Sovereign' and 'Talisman' are all varieties of what?
a. Strawberries

70. Q. What make of car is named after the Latin word meaning 'I Hear'?
A. Audi

71. Q.. Which Chancellor of the Exchequer introduced the Tessa'?
A. John Major

72. Q. What was the name of the cabin boy in Captain Pugwash?
A. Tom

73. Q. Preston North End recently lost their 32 game unbeaten home run. Which team beat them?
A. Derby County

74. Q, For which newspaper does Spiderman (AKA Peter Parker) work.
a. The Daily Bugle

75. Q. Duffle coats are named after a town in which country?
a. Belgium

76. Q. Which product's 1987 TV adverts were backed by the songs, Stand by me & When a man Loves a woman?
A. Levis 501 Jeans (accept 501's)

77. Q. Which comedy series is set on Craggy Island?
b. Father Ted

78. Q. What is the plural of Opus?
c. Opera

79. Q. In September 2002, Johnny Vegas sold his wedding photos to which magazine for £1?
a. Viz

80. Q. What is sold by a costermonger?
a. Fruit & Veg

81. Q. In the name of the electronics manufacturer NC, what does the letter 'F stand for?
a. Japanese

82. Q. According to the bible, who was the father of the Jews?
a. Abraham

83. Q. Which internet company has a name that originates from a race of people mentioned in Gulliver's Travels
a. Yahoo.

84. Q. What is the oldest surviving Sunday newspaper in Britain?
a. The Observer.

85. Q. What is the largest office building in the World with an area of around 6 and a half million square feet?
a. The Pentagon

86. Q. What did the Mario Brothers do for a living in the video game 'Super Mario Brothers'?
a. They were plumbers.

87. Q. If Monday's child is fair of face then what is Friday's child?
a. Friday's Child is loving and giving.

88. Q. Which department store shut 109 of its UK branches in the year 2000?
a. C&A

89. Q. What football club did Sir Matt Busby sign for at the age of 17?
a. Manchester City

9O. Q. According to the Nursery Rhyme who put pussy in the well?
Little Johnny Green

91. Q. Who said "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious; it is the source of all true art and science"?
a. Albert Einstein

92. Q. From which English city do the bands Pulp, Def Leppard and ABC all come from? a. Sheffield

93. Q. Which musical film takes place in Denton, Ohio?
a. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

94. Q. How many official supporters coaches went to Stamford Bridge for Macclesfield Town's recent Third Round FA cup match?
a. 68 (accept 67-69)

95. Q. Called Tabula in medieval Europe, Tables in England, and Tric-Trac in France and Germany, by what name was this popular game now known?
a. Backgammon

96. Q. Where are the Scottish Crown jewels held?
a. Edinburgh Castle


97. Q. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius destroyed the city of Pompeii and which other city?
a. Herculaneum

V 98. Q. Sandra Goodrich is better known by what name?
a. Sandy Shaw

99. Q. Lusitania was the Roman name for which EU country?
a. Portugal.

1. Q. Which American artist died in a car crash in 1956?
A. Jackson Pollock

2. Q. Who designed London's Marble Arch?
A. John Nash

3. Q. Andy Capp is the work of which cartoonist?
A. Reg Smythe

4. Q. Who is the Roman Goddess of War?
A. Minerva

5. Q. Which British Prime Minister followed Winston Churchill's first term as PM?
A. Clement Atlee (1945-51)

6. Q. How are UK TV chefs Simon King and David Myers better known?
A. The Hairy Bikers

7. Q. Nephology is the study of what? A. Clouds


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