
Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 9th General Knowledge

General Knowledge
Set by Sutton Church House
Vetted by The Three Crowns

1. Which Football Club began life as Newton Heath?
Ans. Manchester United

2. Which band was first to perform on Top of the Pops?
Ans. The Rolling Stones.

3. What is unusual about Savoy Street in London?
Ans. You have to drive on the right hand side.

4. Which engine was developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page?
Ans. The Google search engine.

5. In which European country are Mons and Liege?
Ans. Belgium

6. What is the name of the unit for measuring electric current?
Ans. The Ampere

7. Which biblical character lived to he 930 years old?
Ans. Adam

8. In which century was Macclesfield's 1st important charter granted?
Ans. 13th century (1261)

9. Who founded the copper industry in Macclesfield in 1756?
Ans. Charles Roe

10. What are sold at Tattersall's?
Ans. Race Horses

11. "Temperatures rising, fever is high, can't see no future, can't see no sky" are the opening lines of which John Lennon song?
Ans. Cold Turkey.

12. Which part of London is still lit by gas?
Ans. The Mall

13. Which `rodent' was invented by Douglas Engelbart?
Ans. A Computer mouse

14. In which English county are Naze and Foulness?
Ans. Essex.

15. Which metal forms the covering of galvanised iron?
Ans. Zinc.

16. On which occasion does it say in the Bible "Jesus wept"?
Ans. The raising of Lazarus.

17. Which Englishman is the patron saint of politicians?
Ans. Thomas More.

18. The oldest creature on earth died in 2006 aged 175years what was it?
Ans. A tortoise

19. 2006 marked the centenary of the birth of which poet laureate?
Ans. John Betjeman.

20. Which car was named after the daughter of Emil Jellink?
Ans. Mercedes.

21. Who died as Sebastion Melmoth?
Ans. Oscar Wilde.

22. What is agoraphobia the fear of?
Ans. Open spaces.

23. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006?
Ans. Muhammed Yunus.

24. Who is the patron saint of Schoolteachers?
Ans. St Ursula.

25. What is the common name for a vole?
Ans. Water Rat.

26. The music to the hymn `I vow to thee my country' is taken from which movement of Hoist's Planet Suite?
Ans. Jupiter.

27. Which German invented the motorcycle in 1885?
Ans. Gottlieb Daimler.

28. Who provided pie fillings for Mrs Lovett?
Ans. Sweeney Todd.

29. What is pyrophobia the fear of?
Ans. Fire.

30. Who won the. Nobel Prize for Literature in 2006?
Ans. Orhan Pamulk.

31. Nelsons mistress was Emma Hamilton, but who was his legal wife?
Ans. Mrs Francis Nisbet.

32. What, during World War I was renamed `Liberty Cabbage' in the UK & USA?
Ans. Sauerkraut

33. In which British City is Armley Jail?
Ans. Leeds.

34. Which boxer was known as the Brown Bomber?
Ans. Joe Louis.

35. What is the name of the world's highest active volcano?
Ans. Cotopaxl

36. What is army slang for a Psychiatrist?
Ans. Trick cyclist.

37. What is lignite?
Ans. Coal of poor quality (accept coal).

38. What is the scientific name for the shell of a tortoise?
Ans. Carapace.

39. Who wrote `Love in a Cold Climate'?
Ans. Nancy Mitford.

40. What word is used for gallows, or an upright post with a projecting arm on which bodies were suspended after hanging?
Ans. A gibbet

41. Which Motown singer was backed by the Vandellas? (First name will do).
Ans.Martha Reeves (Accept Martha).

42. What name is given to the gospels according to Matthew, Mark and Luke?
Ans. Synoptic.

43. Who composed the Opera `The Love Of Three Oranges'?
Ans. Prokofiev.

44. What is the female equivalent of the Oedipus Complex?
Ans. The Electra Complex.

45. Which city in the Republic of Ireland hosts an Oyster Festival every year and is also known as the City of Tribes?
Ans. Galway.

46. What type of transport was a Dandy Horse?
Ans. An early bicycle, it did not have pedals you had to scoot along using your feet.

47. What was the nickname of the holy roman emperor Frederick l', so called because of his red beard?
Ans. Barbarosa.

48. Profiteroles and Eclairs are made from which type of pastry?
Ans. Choux

49. According to Beatrix Potter who put Peter Rabbit's father into a pie?
Ans. Mrs McGregor.

50. Epidemic Parotitis is the technical name for which common disease?
Ans. Mumps.

51. In zoology what is a medusa?
Ans. A Jellyfish

52. Of which fictional school was Miss Fritton the headmistress?
Ans. St Trinians.

53. What is the oldest warship still in commission in the Royal Navy?
Ans. H.M.S. Victory.

54. Which King wrote a famous denunciation of smoking?
Ans. James 1st of England.

55. In 1990 the Taliban and Mujihadeen fought for political control of which country?
Ans. Afghanistan.

56. Which composer's only opera was Fidelio?
Ans. Beethoven.

57. In the church calendar when is Low Sunday?
Ans. The Sunday after Easter Sunday.

58 Who was the Queen of the fairies in `A midsummer nights Dream'?
Ans. Titania.

59. Which heavyweight boxer retired in 1956 as undefeated world champion?
Ans. Rocky Marciano.

60 Which English composer wrote `Onward Christian Soldiers'?
Ans. Sir Arthur Sullivan.

61. West Side story is based on Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet. Can you name either of the two other musicals based on Shakespeare's plays?
Ans. The Boys of Syracuse (A Comedy of Errors) or Kiss me Kate (The taming of the Shrew.

62. Where would you find a Martingale?
Ans. On a shire horse's chest (accept horse). It is part of the tack, to prevent the horse from raising its head too high.

63. Which condiment made fashionable by George I is said to have been created by Mrs Clements.
Ans. Mustard.

64. Which famous chef created Peach Melba?
Ans. Escoffier.

65. What was Dusty Springfield's first No I hit?
Ans. You don't have to say you love me.

66. The world's greatest snow falls have all occurred in which mountain range?
Ans. The Rockies (North America)

67. What connects the Sea of Marmara with the Black Sea?
Ans. The Bosphorus

68. Name either of the two runners who assisted Roger Bannister when he broke the 4 minute mile barrier?
Ans. Chris Brasher or Christopher Chataway.

69. In which war were railways first used to transport troops?
Ans. American Civil War.

70. In which battle of the American Civil War did General Thomas Joseph Jackson earn the nickname `Stonewall'?
Ans. Battle of Bull Run.

71. Who wrote in her diary `I shall do my utmost to fulfil my duty towards my country, I am very young'?
Ans. Queen Victoria. (On her accession to the throne).

72. Who is the central male character in Lorna Doone?
Ans. John Ridd.

73. In which English Town was the Cooperative Society formed in 1844?
Ans. Rochdale.

74. Which soft metal is used in the manufacture of soap?
Ans. Sodium.

75. Which river connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?
Ans. Niagara River.

76. The Sound Of Music saved which film company from going bust?
Ans. Twentieth Century Fox.

77. Which Swiss town is situated between Lake Brienz and Lake Thun?
Ans. Interlaken.

78. Which British author was born in Bombay on the 30th December 1865?
Ans. Rudyard Kipling.

79. Who are the American owners of the ASDA Supermarkets?
Ans. Walmart.

80. Who was the shadow Home Secretary between 1992 and 1994?
Ans. Tony Blair.

81. The Komodo Dragon (A lizard) is native to which country?
Ans. Indonesia.

82. What is the Roman name for Wales?
Ans. Cambria.

83. In 1803 which British Army Officer invented a shell containing bullets to increase enemy casualties?
Ans. Lieutenant Henry Shrapnel.

84. In sailing what would you be doing if you were `beating'?
Ans. Sailing into the wind.

85. Which Pop Singer/Songwriter was killed in a boating accident at Cozumel Mexico on the 1st December 2000?
Ans. Kirsty McColl.

86. Which river flows through the Swiss City of Geneva before entering France?
Ans. The Rhone.

87. Which fictional detective was created by the American author Earl Derr Biggars? Ans. Charlie Chan.

88. Who founded the Tesco business?
Ans. Jack Cohen.

89. Which Chancellor of the Exchequer raised the VAT rate from 15% to 17.5% in his 1991 Budget?
Ans. Norman Lamont.

90. Which animals gather in a group called a Sleuth (or Sloth)?
Ans. Bears.

91. Schonefeld Airport serves which City?
Ans. Berlin.

92. Which city is served by Narita Airport?
Ans. Tokyo.

93. Which British coin was first issued in 1982?
Ans. 20 pence

94. Who went straight to the top of the Sunday Times rich list in 2004 after not having appeared on it before?
Ans. Roman Abramovich.

95. Between 1935 and 1945 what was the German Navy called?
Ans. Kreigsmarine.

96. In the British Army during World War H what was a `Matilda'?
Ans. A Tank.


I. Who were Waldorf and Stadtler?
Ans. The two old hecklers in the Muppet Show.

2. Which book of the New Testament follows the Gospels?
Ans. Acts

3. Whose autobiography is entitled `If I don't write it nobody else will'?
Ans. Eric Sykes

4. How do you get to Never Never Land?
Ans. Second star on the right, straight on till morning.

5. James Cagney was the first film actor to walk away from his contract with which film company?
Ans. Warner Bros.

6. At which cricket ground did Shane Warne take his 700th test wicket?
Ans. Melbourne.

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